Chapter 22

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The next morning was the individual assessment scoring with the Gamekeepers. Every Tribute was dressed in the same grey and black outfit. Everyone was sitting in the same waiting room for their individual name to be called, and for the most of it it was quiet except for Finnick who was talking lightly to Mags, probably to calm her nerves. Peeta was holding my hand and my head was on his shoulder, ever since the night before -when he found our about our child- he'd been very kind and hasn't raised his voice to me, and he let the matter on the allies drop.

"District 3. Beetee Letier." The voice on the speaker announced. Peeta and I looked over to Beetee who patted Wiress on the shoulder before going through the door.

"How are we going to kill these people Peeta?" I asked, genuinely scared.

He kissed my cheek, "We'll figure something out." He told me.

After what felt like an eternity, it was just the two of us in the room. Everyone else had finished their assessment and had not returned to the room. "District 12. Peeta Mellark."

We both stood up; Peeta snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him, I inhaled his scent almost as if it was the last time I would see him, then I looked up and gave him a gentle, tender kiss.

"I'll see you soon." I whispered and held his hand until he walked too far away and I needed to let go.

I sat back down when the door closed behind him and put my head in my hands; even though it was obvious I should use knives, I had no idea what I was going to do for my assessment. After a while the announcer spoke again, "District 12. Lily Everdeen."

I stood up and walked through the door. When I walked in I saw Peeta walking out through another door that was on the other side of the room. When he heard my door open he turned around and mouthed, "I love you" before he walked through the door.

I walked up and saw something on the ground by the table that was in the center of the room. Looking down as I approached, it took all my strength times ten to not start bawling right then and there. Peeta painted Rue on the ground for his assessment. He painted her exactly as I had once described her to him. She looked so peaceful, I allowed a single tear to escape. But once the feeling of sadness was gone I remembered they were still watching me

"Miss. Everdeen," My insides burned as I turned to look at whichever Gamemaker was addressing me. It was Plutarch, "You have ten minutes to present your chosen skill." He told me.

Looking back down at the painting I scowled and figured out what I would present to them. I grabbed a practice dummy, some rope, a knife, and some paint. Once I was done I had my masterpiece: It was a dummy that I had painted to look like Seneca Crane, with a knife in between his eyes and made it so he was hanging from the ceiling. Once I'd tied the rope securely I turned to the Gamemakers and did a very familiar bow, then without a word from me I turned and walked right out.


Peeta, Effie, even Haymitch praised me when I told them what I did during my assessment. But we didn't have much time before we needed to get ready for the interviews. Our team agreed to try to use the baby as an excuse to try to cancel the Games; it was a slim shot but we were going to take it. The show started with a blast of music and Caesar Flickerman walking on stage to a crowd of cheering people. 

"Thank you! Thank you for being here tonight on the eve of the 75th Hunger Games!" He announced and the crowd went wild like the animals they all were, "We have never seen anything like this. And we will never see anything like it again. Because tonight, on this stage, 24 of Panem's brightest starts will vie for the ultimate crown. Tonight will be their final opportunity to express their thoughts. Our final opportunity to express our love. And heartbreakingly, to say goodbye to all but one." The audience gave a murmur of sadness and disapproval. "What a night. Let's hear it." He rallied and everyone cheered, "It's so exciting!" He laughed.

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