Chapter 55

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That morning I woke up but didn't get off the sofa for hours. Being truly alone with my own thoughts at that point in time was probably one of the worst things that could've happened to me. At least...I thought I was alone. I heard a noise coming from down the hall, I put my robe on and cautiously walked through the house, checking the doors to different rooms; all of which appeared empty. I peeked into the kitchen and to my surprise...there it was. Now I have no fucking clue how the hell Buttercup got back here after 13 but a tear came down my face. I walked over to it and picked it up, bringing it close to my chest. 

She meowed softly and didn't struggle in my arms like she used to. I started crying and cradling the cat as if it were a baby. 

"She's gone. Both of them. Dead. I messed up. I could've helped them. My sisters.... DEAD!" I slowly sunk to the floor as I started crying louder and louder. Screaming bloody murder, rocking back and forth like a crazy person.


After many, many hours of crying, and breaking furniture I finally calmed down. I decided that I needed to do something that might make me feel better; hunting. Trekking through the forest I found myself at the clearing where Gale, Katniss ad I had our little picnic before the Games. It looked so serene and peaceful there. There were pheasants close by, my eye caught a big one and I unwrapped a knife. Taking my aim I shot it and the smallest smile crept on my face as I watched the animal fall to the earth.  I walked over to it, taking in my calm surroundings and collected it before making my way back to the village. 

Walking down the courtyard I saw something that made me stop in my tracks...Sorry- more like someone. 


Merely a whisper and he still heard it and stood up from his gardening to look at me, "Lily."

I approached him, "You came back here?" I looked at him confused.

He nodded, then looked down at the flowers he was planting in the garden around the fountain, "I found these...uh... out by the edge of the forest," I looked down at the two flowers and swallowed back tears, "The yellow one is a primrose and the white ones are katniss." I looked at them and dropped the bird, Peeta took the remaining three step gap between us and hugged me tightly, with no hesitation I wrapped my arms around him and inhaled his so familiar scent. It felt like forever ago that I was last in his arms. Peeta put his hand on the back of my head and stroked it, "I'm so sorry. About everything Lily." he whispered in my ear. I faced him and he put his hand on my chin and kissed my forehead. There was a glimmer in his eyes that I hadn't seen in a long time. He was coming back to his old self, that alone made me feel ten times better. 

My Peeta was back.


"You'll be happy to hear that Lily's mother has been training new medical units in The Capitol. Gale has been promoted to a captain in District 2 to help keep order and security. And I am loving every moment with my son who reminds me everyday of his father. We've all suffered so much, but we owe it to their memories and to our children to do our best with these lives. I hope you're both finding your peace. And I hope that after the proper healing, maybe you'll both try for another child in the future; I know that's what everyone here is hoping for. Annie." Peeta folded the letter and set it on the table and glanced at me. He stood up straighter and putting one arm around me he handed me a photo of Annie and her baby. 

He had the same eyes as Finnick, I couldn't help but smile. Peeta seeing my reaction gave me a smile and got my jacket for me so we could head to Haymitch's to watch the swearing-in ceremony.


The three of us sat around his small dinning table politely watching the ceremony;

"I solemnly swear, that I will- to the best of my ability, to preserve, protect, and uphold the rights of every citizen of Panem," Paylor recited with her right hand in the air.

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