Chapter 45

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Our footsteps crunched under the rubble as we walked down a deserted street. There was smoke still emitting from some of the buildings. It was quiet, really quiet.

"I've never seen this place so empty," Cressida commented, breaking the silence.

Boggs had the Holo out, actively scanning our surroundings as he led the troop, "Just keep your eyes opened," He advised. As we approached a sculpture the Holo started beeping, Boggs put his hand up to stop us from following him further, he pointed in front of us, "We got a pod. Let's take cover." We ran to the intersection next to the sculpture in front of the two buildings. Boggs pointed, "Throw between the buildings," he instructed.

I grabbed a knife and started getting it ready in my hand, Cressida hopped up on the steps and showed Pollux where to angle the camera, "Pollux, here," She showed him and walked to the mirrored side, "Castor," she called showing him what angle to get. When the cameras were ready Cressida nodded to me, I took a breath and made sure the knife was balanced in my hand before standing up from my crouched position to aim. 

The black knife was sleek and slim, I arched my back and was just about to throw when Cressida stopped me telling me to hold so Pollux could zoom in tighter on his shot. My arm started to cramp so I put the knife down and once I did Cressida said that I could go. I almost rolled my eyes but instead I raised the knife again and aimed once more. I took a breath and shot the knife. The second it was between the buildings, flames erupted burning everything next to it. A black cloud of smoke blew in the air. I almost overlooked the truck that was there and refrained from yelping when it exploded as a result of the fire. We waited; crouched on the ground for the flames to die down. Once it did, we cautiously stood up. 

"All clear," Boggs announced. 


"We can't get across this minefield." Gale noted, passing me a water. Our whole squad was taking a break and found shelter in one of the buildings. 

"Not without the Holo," Katniss corrected.

I looked at the ground blankly, trying to come up with a plan, "We can get it off him when he's asleep." I pitched. 

They nodded, "We gotta be on the same watch tonight," Gale concluded, Katniss and I nodded in agreement.

In the distance we heard a vehicle. All our heads turned in the direction of the sound.

"Is that Peacekeepers?" One of the men asked.

Boggs stood up and took a step in the direction of the noise. I picked up a few knives and walked closer to the window, everyone approached slowly.

"451 to base," Jackson called on her radio, "We've got a truck coming in from the South. Over." I got to the window and looked around for any sign of a car. I didn't get to hear their response, but got the "Copy that. Over." Jackson put the radio away and looked to everyone standing at the window defensively, "Stand down everyone. It's friendly."

The car approached and we all went outside anyway. I had a knife in each hand and watched as a man exit the truck and walked round to the back, he opened the back door and someone hopped out. Peeta. As much as I didn't want to, I raised my knifes defensively, I loved him but he tried to kill me. He hated me and I wasn't going to put my guard down. He slowly approached us with two armed men.

Katniss gave me a sad look when she saw my reaction to him being there. Everyone was silent; the only sound was the footsteps approaching us. The guards stopped but Peeta kept walking toward us. He was whispering something to himself, he got about four feet away from us and I raised my knifes higher.

"Stop." Gale ordered, putting his hand up to Peeta, in the other hand was a pistol. 

Finnick stepped up between Peeta and us, "Hold up. Everyone relax." He said calmly, looking more to me then to everyone else. 

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