Chapter 14

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Months had passed, and winter crept upon 12 like a serpent to its prey. Within that time I had moved my family into the Victor's Village. Peeta and I each got our own house. But he's slept over mine and visa versa very often, we both have clothes in each other's homes just in case we stay the night. We may get good-ish food, but Katniss and I still go past the fence out to the forest to hunt with Gale. We've been doing it for so long, its one habit we didn't want to break. It had been hard for the three of us to go together however, since Gale had started working at the mines, we had started going without him.

It was starting to get chilly outside, we had to start wearing a lot of extra layers. Katniss and I walked silently to the river together. It all seemed too peaceful, compared to what I've been going through. My whole family and Peeta knew about my night terrors, I would wake up in the middle of the night screaming my ass off, Peeta would then do whatever he could to calm me, we would stay in bed for hours, he would whisper calming words and kiss me, then he would bring me close and rub my back with his hands until I went back to sleep. Katniss does what she can to keep Prim calm when I have my terrors, cause when I start screaming Prim can hear it from her room and she would start crying. 

I was suddenly brought out of my thoughts when I heard a snap behind us. I quickly turned raising my knife ready to throw it - Katniss had an arrow in her bow ready to fly- But once we saw it was only Gale, we lowered our weapons.

"I saw some turkeys on the way here. Crossed right in front of me, like I wasn't even there," he looked between the two of us.

"How rude of them," Katniss showed a small smile. 

I couldn't help but chuckle, "Yeah, you would think they would stop to say hi or ask you how you're doing."

"It's what happens when you spend six days a week working in the mines. Stupid birds start to think they own these woods," he looked at me, his smile faltered but didn't disappear, "When's the tour leave?"

My smile vanished, I'd been dreading this tour for weeks. I didn't want to leave my family again, but they've been pulling a strong face for me, saying they'll be fine and at least Peeta will be with me, "In a couple of hours from now."

"Well we better get a move on," Katniss put her arm around me and the three of us prepped for our hunt.

Not even twenty minutes after we set up our snares, we'd gotten two hares. As we made our way along the hill, through the jagged rocks we saw a large group of turkeys. I smiled at the two of them and crouched down. I grabbed one of my knives and aimed. When I'd let go I had realized I didn't hit the turkey with my knife; I'd hit Marvel. I gasped as he fell to his knees and died. I hid behind the rocks and started hyperventilating. Images of the arena's forest flooded my mind, I didn't dare look down cause I knew who I would see with a bloody spear impaled on her poor small body. Someone was trying to get me to calm down but when whoever it was reached out to me I started screaming and pulling away. Suddenly someone hugged me and stroked the back of my head.

"You're okay Lily, You're not there. You're here, with me. Here with Gale. You're safe," Katniss kept repeating until my vision cleared and I remembered where I was.

I caught my breath as Gale went to get my knife for me, "I'm sorry," I squeaked as he handed me my weapon back.

"It's okay Lily."

I stood up and collected my thoughts, "We should...We should go," without even waiting for their answer I started walking back.

We hid our weapons in our usual hollow tree and crossed the electric fence back into 12 territory. As we walked back I tired to make things less awkward, "Gale are you going to come to the train station?"

"I'm sure you have enough people saying goodbye without me there."

"I don't really care about most of the people that say goodbye. All I really need is my family. You being there with Katniss reassures me everything will be taken care of while I'm gone," I told him.

"Fine, I'll be there."

"Good, and it's only a few weeks. I'll be back before the snow melts. Katniss, don't forget to make a snowman and some snow angels with Prim; she's been begging me to make them but..." Katniss grasped my hand.

"I know sis."

We made it to Gale's house, stopping I gave him a long lasting hug, "Be safe," 

He chuckled, "I should be telling you that Lily-pod," he let go and kissed my forehead. Then he gave Katniss a quick hug -seeing as they'll be seeing each other again- they shared a look then Katniss and I made our way to the Victor's Village.

"You need to finally get together with Gale while I'm gone. A lot can happen and I don't want to see you alone anymore," I told her.

"I'm not alone-" I stopped her.

"I know, you have me, Mom, and Prim but you and Gale have been crushing on each other since we were kids...Just don't wait too long. Okay?" I asked.

Katniss took a second, "Okay," Entering the Village we passed the fountain. Buttercup was sitting on it, the two of us rolled our eyes. Katniss reluctantly picked him up, "I'll see you later," she told me and walked into our house.

I made my way to Haymitch's place; I knew damn well that man was probably not ready and banging on his door for the 100th time, I knew I was right.

"Haymitch!" I yelled to the closed door only to receive no answer. Knowing it was unlocked, I opened the door, went inside and called out for him again. I walked into his kitchen and saw him sleeping on his table, his head down and using his arms as a pillow, "Haymitch, wake up. It's Tour Day," I told him as I walked over. Nothing. I shook him lightly. Nada. I did it again, rougher, "Haymitch," I raised my voice. "Dammit," Looking around I saw a mug on the table that was full of water without a second thought, I poured it all over his head, Sure enough there he goes bouncing up, brandishing a knife, screaming.

"What are you doing?!" He asked, threatening me with the knife.

I wasn't fazed, this seemed to be a normal thing with him, "Cameras will be here in an hour," he put the knife down and took a step toward me, I grabbed him by the throat and sat him down forcefully on a chair, "If you wanted to be treated like a child, you should have asked Peeta!"

"Asked me what?" his calming voice arose as he walked in with a loaf of bread. Looking at him, his calming blue eyes, I seemed to have calmed down a bit.

"Asked you to wake me without giving me pneumonia," Haymitch turned to me, "You are a strangely dislike-able person."

I smirked and took out the four vials of alcohol from my pocket, "Then I guess I don't need to give you these?"

"Come on sweetheart! I'm sorry," Haymitch retracted and I placed them on the table in front of him, "You do have your virtues."

"Lily, you want some bread?" Peeta asked me sweetly.

I walked over and nodded, he cut me a piece and handed it over. When I kindly took it from him he took my hand in his, pulled me closer and kissed me. I smiled and when we broke away I kissed his cheek before eating the bread.

"Looks like you two are ready for show time," Haymitch said taking a swing from his bottle.

"Which is in an hour, so Haymitch, take a bath," I reminded him. I gave Peeta a quick goodbye kiss and made my way out so I could prepare for when my prep team arrived.

"I thought you just gave me one!" Haymitch yelled as the door closed behind me.

When I entered my house, Mom quickly met me by the door, "Did you have a nice time at Peeta's dear?"

I took off my vest and looked at her confused, "Peeta's? I was-"

"We have visitors," Prim interrupted as she hugged me and hung up my vest for me.

Two large men emerged from the study, "Miss. Everdeen. This way please," he motioned inside the room.

I gave Mom and Prim a look, "Where's Katniss?"

"She's inside waiting for you," the other man informed.

Reluctantly I went into the study. There sat Katniss, and behind the desk, sat President Snow. 

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