Chapter 12

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When I got back to the cave Peeta was still sleeping. I crept over to him slowly and softly.

"Peeta, I got it. I got the medicine," I shook him lightly and he woke up.

He looked at me shocked, "What happened to you?" He reached out his hand to my cheek looking at the cut I had across my forehead.

"I'm fine," I told him, yet he shook his head.

"No, you're not. What happened?" He sounded worried.

I started rummaging through my stuff to get the bag with the medicine, "The girl from 1, she had a bunch of arrows and a knife. I'm okay," I took out the jar.

"You shouldn't have gone. You said you weren't going to go," He sounded disappointed.

I opened the jar and looked at his leg, "It got worse," I scooped up some medicine in my finger and rubbed it along the injured area. Peeta flinched and gasped a bit, "I'm sorry," I whispered.

"You need some of that too," he struggled, trying to speak properly since the medicine stung.

"I'm fine," I urged.

He took a relieved breath, "That's better," he breathed, "Now you," he stopped and took the canister from me, he looked at me softly so I could face him, this way he could apply the medicine on my cut.

I nodded and faced him, he took some medicine in this hand and looked at me. He moved some of my hair away from my eyes and gently applied it to my cut. We continued to lock eyes and I got lost in the ocean that were in his. They were so beautiful, even surrounded by the dirt and bruises caused by the Games. Once he had finished, I snuggled close to him and we fell asleep to the calming breaths we took.


When morning came I was surprisingly calm. I didn't move from my spot; I was laying against Peeta's chest and he had one arm around me, his other hand was intertwined with mine, I actually felt safe. I finally decided to make it known that I was awake, so I moved my head slightly to look at him, he was already looking back at me.

His eyes widened looking at my forehead, he cupped his hand under my chin, "You look so much better!" he was surprised and happy in his tone. I put my hand where the cut was and I felt nothing but soft skin. I sat up and looked at Peeta's leg, all that was left was a small scar.

"Peeta look!" 

"I can hardly feel anything!" He put some pressure on it and smiled.

"We could go home," I realized, Peeta looked at me, "We could! We're the only team left," I pointed out.

"We could go home," he sounded so happy. We smiled at each other and hugged.

"But before we do anything we need some more food," I told him and he nodded.

I helped him get up and he smiled, finally able to walk on his own. I pulled out some knives and we started walking.

"We know Thresh took off. Cato's gonna be by the Cornucopia. He's not gonna go someplace he doesn't know. Foxface; she could be anywhere," Peeta ticked off the only three people in the way of us returning back to 12.

We got close to a very green area, close to a water source, "We should probably hunt in this area. We don't have much food left," I suggested.

"Okay, I'll take the knives," Peeta extended his hand towards the knives in my hand. I looked at him and he chuckled, "I'm just kidding, I'll go pick some stuff," then he kissed my cheek and walked off. 

I couldn't help but smile at the fact that he was trying to make me laugh while we were in an arena fighting for our lives to get back home.

I had a knife in each hand, ready to throw it at anything that could be our next meal. As I crept on I saw a bird in a tree. Just as I was about to throw the knife I heard a loud boom. I jumped and looked around. I remembered Peeta was looking for some other stuff for us so I went to for look for him. I kept calling his name and I didn't get any responses. I started to get more anxious and scared.

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