Chapter 1

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"NO! NO!" Prim's screams were my wake up call that morning. Katniss and I exchanged glances and ran to her bed. Sandwiching her in a hug, we tried to calm her sobs.

"It was only a dream." I whispered.

"It was me." She breathed heavily, calming her racing heart.

"We know, but it's not Prim. Its your first year, you only have your name in there once." Katniss reassured her.

"Try and go back to sleep." I lulled.

Tears were clouding her eyes, "I can't."

"Yes, you can." Katniss stroked her blonde hair.

Prim looked at us and whispered her request, we nodded to her. She lay back down on her pillow and looked at us, waiting. Katniss and I took a shallow breath and started singing in a soft, low voice.

Deep in the meadow. Under the willow.

Prim smiled and joined the second verse.

A bed of grass. A soft green pillow.

"I knew you remembered that song." I kissed her forehead.

Katniss copied me and said, "Okay, finish the song then sleep a little longer. We have to go."

"Where?" Prim asked, her eyes showed fear.

"We just have to go. But we'll be right back. We love you." I told her and got dressed. I got a black shirt that would keep me warm, with some jean-like pants with a brown jacket with pockets and slots for me to put my hunting knives when we get to the forest. Once Katniss and I were dressed we went to the door to put on our boots, in the foyer we were met with some harsh hissing. Buttercup-Prim's cat was sitting on a chair watching us with hateful eyes. He doesn't really like us but the feeling was mutual.

"We can still cook you," I threatened the animal, then Katniss and i left the house. 

We walked to the boarder of District 12 and were met with the electric fence. Hearing the absence of the hum of electricity, we went under the fence knowing it was not turned on; again. Entering the forest, we went to the tree where we hide our hunting gear. They used to belong to our father but after the mine explosion Katniss and I started using them to help feed the family. Katniss prefers to use his bow while i use his knives. We can't have them in the house cause if a Peacekeeper found them we would get into a ton of trouble.

Hunting for food requires a lot of patience. It took a lot of waiting and searching before I finally came upon a dear. I gave our bird call to Katniss, to signal I found something. She cautiously stepped in my direction, but in doing so she snapped a twig under her feet. The deer heard it and dashed away. Katniss gave ma an apologetic look, reached down and picked up a handful of leaves, she let them fly off in the direction the wind was pushing. We followed that direction, knowing that was where the deer was going. Seeing the deer again Katniss got an arrow from her quiver and shot one at a nearby tree so the deer could move more into my throwing range. I removed a knife from its holder and aimed. Just as I was about to throw it, a voice interrupted my concentration and scared away our potential meal.

"What were you two going to do with that once you've killed it?" Gale asked from behind us.

"Damn you Gale!" Katniss hissed.

Gale approached us and guestured to where the escaped deer was standing, "What were you going to do with an 100 pound deer Catnip, Lily-pod? It's Reaping Day, the place is crawling with Peacekeepers." He reminded us, using our nicknames.

"No shit really? I hadn't noticed." I rolled my eyes.

"We were gonna sell it to some Peacekeepers." Katniss told him, we started walking through the forest, trying to find anything to take back home.

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