Chapter 50

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I sat on the floor cleaning my knives, getting them ready for when we leave, when Gale and Katniss walked down the ladder. 

"The sun is rising," Katniss announced.

"There's some small-arms fire. Could be Paylor, maybe Lyme," Gale guessed, "The rebels are close."

"This is it." Cressida breathed.

Suddenly there was an eerie siren noise coming from the TV that we asked Tigris to put down there for us. "Mandatory Viewing: Attention all Panem Residents" 

Snow's face faded onto the screen, all our eyes watched with disdain, "To all Capitol citizens more than a half mile outside the City Circle, I am announcing a mandatory evacuation. Come to the mansion. I am promising you shelter and sanctuary. All refugees, come to my home. There you will be provided with food, medicine, safety for your children, and you will have my solemn oath to protect you until my dying breath."

"If only he'd hurry up with that last bit," Katniss muttered.

Snow continued, "Our enemy is not like us. They do not share our values. They have never known our comfort and our sophistication. And they despise us for it. Make no mistake. They are not coming to liberate us. They are coming to destroy our way of life. They are coming to bury us," The footage faded out.

My eyes were glued to the screen, "He's still at his mansion right?" I looked over, "Peeta?" 

He hesitated, "Yes. I recognize the room."

"Where is that?" Katniss asked aloud as I opened a map and set it on the floor.

Cressida crouched at my feet looking at it, "I'd say like five blocks away. We're right here," she pointed, "Off the Avenues. The Mansion's here," She moved her finger over to the right.

"What should we do about the pods?" I wondered.

"Well, they'll probably deactivate the pods around here for the residents' safety."

I nodded, hope filling my chest, "This might work. I can get close enough," I looked up at Katniss and Gale who mirrored each other with their arms crossed over their torso.

"Every Peacekeeper will be waiting," Gale reminded.

Cressida nodded, "Next to our faces on every billboard."

I shrugged, "Well, Snow is offering shelter to all refugees."


Tigris walked in carrying three coats, "Head straight north, there's bound to be thousands of refugees there by the time you arrive." Cressida told me, "Just get into that stream and don't look up."

"We have one chance," I looked over to my sister and my best friend as they were putting their coats on.

"So let's not mess it up," She joked.

I looked back to Cressida who was staring at me, "Good luck Lily. I believe in you." I smiled and we hugged, I whispered a thanks.

Pollux walked over to me and I hugged him and signed Thank you for everything. He looked at me in awe and pulled me in for another hug. Then I turned to Tigris.

"Thank you so much for everything you've done for us."

Peeta came up to me, "Lily let me come with you, I can be a good distraction. They know my face." He pleaded with me once more.

I looked at him lovingly but shook my head, "I can't lose you again," I stepped closer to him.

"You'll be safer with us," Cressida agreed.

"What if Peacekeepers are searching houses?" Gale questioned, he looked at me regretfully, "If he's captured..."

Peeta shook his head, "Then give me a nightlock pill okay? Cause I'm not goin' back." 

Slowly, Gale reached into his pocket and pulled out a nightlock pill, giving it to Peeta. I looked over to my sister and nodded, Katniss had the keys to his cuffs. She removed them and stepped aside for me. The others took a step away, letting me have a moment with him.

I put my hands in his, he flinched for a moment but didn't move his hands. "When this is over, I'm coming back for you. We're going to start over, I'm going to help you. I will not lose you ever again. So basically. Stay alive." a smile ghosted onto my lips as I looked at him. He looked down at our hands then up at my eyes, he looked so sad. What surprised me most was that he brought me into a tight and desperate hug. 

"Next time I see you, we're going to be in a whole new world." he whispered. I dug my face into his jacket, taking in his scent just in case it was the last time I would ever be able to. I was doing everything I could to be positive but I hadn't been that close to him in so long I just needed it.

"Lily. We need to go," Katniss told me softly, I turned to look at her and nodded, walking away without looking back at him. I knew that if I did I wouldn't have been able to leave. I lifted the hood of my royal blue cloak and walked out the door not seeing his longing looks at my retreating figure.

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