Chapter 46

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I ended up getting about half an hour of sleep on Katniss's shoulder. By then the sun was already rising and Boggs was getting things ready for the day.

"Listen up." He ordered as everyone gathered in the middle of the room, I stood next to Katniss in the opposite side as Peeta, I couldn't look at him. He showed us the bullet holder for one of the guns in his hand, "Mag's empty," he did a 360, showing us and stopped when he was facing Peeta, "it's only for the propo," he cocked it in a gun and gave it to Peeta. "Let's move. We're headed five blocks north."

We stepped out, Boggs and the Holo led the way; followed by Katniss and Gale with me close behind. 

"To the citizens of the Capitol, our war is not with you. You will be a vital part of the democracy that follows our victory." Finnick was reading Peeta his lines for the next Propo. After every line Peeta would repeat to ensure he remembered it. I looked back momentarily and Finnick caught my eye, giving me a small sympathetic smile.

We approached a small monument of buildings. The buildings looked fairly better than all the other destroyed ones we'd been passing. It overall wasn't a bad sight. Cressida must've thought the same because she stopped Boggs telling him it was a good shot to shoot. 

"Through there, in the courtyard," she looked in the direction she wanted to capture. 

Boggs nodded, "Just let us clear it." We walked down the set of stairs; Boggs led the way with the Holo outstretched in his hand. We passed two pillars and looking back, there was a Mockingjay symbol on the right pillar. Once we passed the pillars the Holo started beeping faster. "We got a pod." He looked straight ahead in the round clearing in front of  us. He pointed to the two sides of the buildings just before the clearings, "Split and take cover." he ordered.

Me and a few others went to the left, I had my back against the wall, trying to peek past the corner of the building to see what the pod was. I saw everyone crouching down and followed their lead. Boggs picked up a rock and bent over; he advised us to stand back. Tossing the rock between the two buildings faster than the blink of an eye, guns shot out through the walls; rapid firing. Debris and dust clouded the walkway but thankfully none of the stray bullets hurt anyone. The shooting went on for a good ten seconds and I had to cover my ears from the loud noises, my anxiety really bad, I felt like I was in the arena all over again. I didn't like the noise. 

When the shots finally ceased, boggs stood up and looked between the two buildings, "All clear. Gale, Everdeen, Homes with me. Leegs, take the wings." he ordered. Katniss and Gale stood up and started making their way to his side; the others advanced, surveying the area.

I stayed on my side, crouched down trying to calm myself down. My heart was beating hard in my chest and my head was pounding, I hated sudden loud noises they always brought out my PTSD. Looking over I saw Peeta struggling. The end of his gun was against the wall and he was leaning his head against the end of the gun. His breathing was erratic and quick, he was practically shaking. I immediately wanted to go help him calm down, I didn't need to focus on myself anymore because I wanted to make sure Peeta was okay. I took a step forward, about to go comfort Peeta when there was an explosion in the clearing. I bolted to where my sister, Gale and Boggs had walked to.

"No!" Jackson yelled at me, not wanting me to leave my cover.

"Boggs!" I yelled, he was laying on the ground.

"Hold your position!-" "Grab the tourniquets from the bag-" "Oh my god!" People were yelling over each other but I crouched down to check on him, he was wincing in pain. "Squeeze his legs as hard as you can" 

It was probably the first time I'd ever seen Boggs so scared in his life. "It's going to be okay," I assured him, putting my hand on his chest comfortingly as a few members of the squad tried to help.

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