Chapter 1

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Demi's P.O.V

I'm sitting at the table learning my lines for an upcoming scary movie coming up called Scream 5.

I'm in a movie with Neve Campbell, David Arquette, and Courtney Cox. I'm supposed to play Neve's cousin in the movie.

While trying to learn my lines, I get a text from Nick

N: Hey, baby. Come on over.

D: Nick, not right now. I'm learning my lines. I can't entertain you today.

N: Bitch, get your ass over here right now or else it's going to be a problem!

D: Okay, fine. I'll be right there. Just let me get dressed.

I hated when Nick got like this. He's always so rude to me.

He always says that he loves me, but then turns around and behaves like I did something wrong to him.

When I got dressed, my phone rang and I answered it to Selena calling me.

Selena is my best friend. We've been close since we met on the set of Barney & Friends.

We were really young back then. We've been together through thick and thin our entire lives.

*on the phone*

S: "Hey, Dems... what's up?"

D: "Nothing much. Nick texted me and told me to come over to his house."

S: "Don't you have to go over your lines for Scream 5, though?"

D: "I tried to tell him that, but he lost his mind and threatened that there was going to be a problem between us if I didn't get over there fast enough."

S: "He's a real jerk. You don't deserve anyone like that."

D: "I know, but I love him so much that I can't help it. That's the only reason that I put up with it."

S: "Demi, please stop taking that crap from Nick. He doesn't deserve someone like you. You remember what happened last time you pissed him off? Please don't let that happen again."

D: "Selena, please don't do that to me. Not today. Not right now. I have to go before he wonders what's taking me so long."

S: "Okay, fine, but you know I'm right about it."

D: "Okay. Whatever. I'll call you later, okay?"

S: "Alright. I'll talk to you later."

*end of the phone call*

 I really didn't feel like hearing Selena rambling on and on about how Nick didn't love me because of the way he treats me.

I know he loves me. He tells me everyday. I mean, that is what a boyfriend does, right?

He loves me. I know he does.

Selena's P.O.V

I can't believe she just told me not to tell her about how much of a bastard Nick was being.

He doesn't deserve her. She's special and she deserves better.

I need to confess my love for her and fast. I need to do it in the most special way possible.

I don't care if she doesn't feel the same way. I just don't want our friendship to be awkward or ruined. I think I should just hold my breath.

 I can't stand here and let her be treated like this. My frustration boils over until I can't stand it anymore.

He treats her like she's nothing and in front of me half the time.

I just want her heart to be safe. It can't be when it's being broken everyday.

Demi's P.O.V

I pulled up to Nick's house and parked in his drive way.

I walked in to his house and knocked on the door.

He came to open the door with a huge grin on his face and a woman next to him.

"Ummm.... I don't mean to be rude, but who's this?"

Nick: "This is Olivia. She's gonna be in our threesome. I Thought it'd be fun."

"Is this what you think of me, Nick?"

Nick: "Why are you acting bitchy? I just thought we'd have a little fun."

"Don't call me out of my name, Nick. I'm not a bitch."

Nick: "You're always doing things like this. When are you going to finally have a little fun with me?"

"Nick, I'm not doing it. A threesome isn't my thing."

He looked at me like I just offended him.

"Look, Nick. I'm sorry. I'll come inside. Just please don't be mad at me. I'll do it if you want me to."

Nick: "Just get out of here. I don't wanna see you. You're so boring. You always blow me off when I wanna do something new."

"Well, you could've talked to me first instead of just jumping into something like this."

Nick: "That sounds lame."

"Nick, I don't care about your little tantrum."

Nick: "Whatever. You're just really boring. Just leave."

The door was slammed in my face and it made me jump a little.

After that horrible fiasco, I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and walked back to my car.

When I got inside I had an urge to call Selena, but I didn't wanna hear an 'I told you so' from her right now.

I just wanted go home and cry. My love for this guy is unconditional and this is how he treats me.

He's going to miss out on me. I pulled away and quickly drove home.

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