Chapter 32

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Olivia's P.O.V.

      It's been a few weeks and I've been handling my emotions fairly. I haven't thought about Nick in a while and I feel pretty good about it. I feel lighter and care free.

      Getting out of my bed had been easier and easier nowadays. Today, I decided to take a day to myself. I hoped in the shower and dressed in a casual graphic tee, jeans, and Adidas.

I went for a drive to Starbucks and ordered a frappuccino and carried on about my day.

During my day of relaxation, I saw a dude who looked exactly like Danny.... wait a second.... that was him.

He turned around and walked my way. My brain went into a quick frenzy.

Crap, crap, crap! What do I do?! I thought to myself. I tried to calm myself down and walked by him casually. He was on his phone when he looked up and did a double take to see who walked past him.

Danny: "Olivia?"

I slowly tuned around and forced a smile on my face.

"Hi." I said as I ran my hand through my hair.

Danny: "Hey, um... how have you been?"

"Fine. I've been okay. You?"

Danny: "That's great. I've been good."

"Fantastic. It's been a while."

Danny: "Yeah. Almost two months to be exact."


The tension was getting thicker and thicker by the minute and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

Danny: "Hey, look. I just wanna apologize for where we left off last time."

"It's fine. All is forgiven."

Danny: "That's good to hear."

"I thought you went back home."

Danny: "I did. The coaches wanted us to take a break from the season for a while. He had to take some time to his self, because he had family business to take care of. I can't say what it is, though. He said it was personal."

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that. I hope all is well with him."

Danny: "Me too. I'm keeping in contact with him to make sure the poor guy isn't losing his mind."

"That's good."

Danny: "Yeah. So, is everything okay with you and uh.."

"We broke up. He moved on to someone else and I'm quite happy about it."

Danny: "Oh. You holding up okay?"

"Yes. I've been taking it one day at a time."

Danny: "Good. I have some business to take care of. Mind if I catch up with you later?"

"Sure. No problem."

Danny: "Good. I'll see you later." He said walking away.

I took the rest of the day to myself to take a stroll through the park.

A certain amount of hours had gone by before I decided to was time to go home.

Later that day, I went home and sat on the couch.

I decided to call Danny.

*phone rings*

D: "Hello?"

O: "Hey. You busy?"

D: "Not really. I'm on my way home. You doing okay?"

O: "I'm okay. I kinda wanted to ask you something."

D: "Okay. What's up?"

O: "Would you mind coming with me to Demi's premiere of her new scary movie?"

D: "Scary Movie V? Sure. I'd love to. When is it?"

O: "Thank goodness."

I heard Danny chuckle on the other end. We caught up on current events on our lives until I was ready to get off of the phone.

O: "I'm actually relieved to hear your voice."

D: "Ditto."

O: "I'll chat with you later, okay?"

D: "Okay. Talk to you later."

*end of the phone call*

After the call, I went turned to Netflix to watch Monster-In-Law. I figured I could use some comedy after a day of being outside all day.

Demi's P.O.V.

I'm sitting at home watching Criminal Minds and relaxing. Taylor texted me asking if I were okay.

Tay: Hey. You okay, buddy?

Demz: Yeah. I'm okay. Could you just tell me where Selena is already? She hasn't been showing up and hasn't called me in a while. Is she okay?

Tay: She's fine. Just know she's clearing her head. She should be coming back in a couple days.

Demz: Are you sure? Did I do something?

Tay: No, it's okay. She just didn't wanna make you anymore upset than you were when you gave everyone a piece of your mind a month ago.

Demz: Oh, thank goodness.

Tay: I'll just keep you posted for her return, okay?

Demz: Okay. Thnx, Tay.

Tay: No problem :)

I continue watching Criminal Minds when Olivia texts me

Olivia: Omg, I just ran into my ex. I still have a bit of feelings for him. What should I do? Should I tell him, or be quiet about it?

Demi: Whatever makes you happier. Do you see urself with him?

Olivia: I really do, but I don't wanna go back to him an relive the same thing with him.

Demi: Which is?

Olivia: Last time he was here, which was some months ago when I had problems with Nick, he was helping me cope and he asked me back out, but I said no bc I didn't want him to drop everything and leave. I really still had feelings for Nick and he spazzed out. He left and I didn't see him until he came back today.

Demi: That's tough. The best I could do is to tell you to have a talk with him and see where he stands. If the two of you work something out, then it's meant to be, but if you really want him, then go get him.

Olivia: Thanks. Should I also take him to the premier with me? 

Demi: If U want 

Olivia: Then, I'll think about it.

Demi: Awesome. TTYL :)

Olivia: See ya l8ter ;P 

I'm waiting to see if she takes him to the premier with her and how he treats her.

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