Chapter 15

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Demi's P.O.V

   I'm laying in my bed and I feel terrible about what went down at Selena's place. Nick came over and ruined everything. He kissed me. The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt Selena. Hell, that wasn't even on my agenda.

I had to do something about this, but I didn't know what to do. I was stopped in my thoughts when Nick called me, but I hung up.

Since he doesn't take no for an answer, he kept on calling me for ten minutes straight. I just decided to give in and see what he wanted.

*on the phone*

D: "What?!"

N: "Calm down. I just need to talk to you for a sec."

D: "There's nothing to talk about. You ruined me and Selena's relationship! I'm sick of your antics and shenanigans, Nick! Your mind games are getting crazy. You even forced Olivia to be my friend and hang out with me. I'm sick of it!"

N: "What are you talking about? Olivia wanted to be friends with you?"

D: "Nick, don't play dumb. You told her to call me and be my friend. I don't even like her."

N: "I didn't do that. She did that I'm her own. I don't even know how she got your number."

I started to feel a little relieved that Olivia decided to hang out with me on her own, but then I also felt upset because she lied to me. But, what'd I expect? That's not really a surprise.

D: "So you mean to tell me that she made that decision by herself?"

N: "Yeah. I didn't even know about this until you brought it up. I'm actually pretty surprised that she made a decision like that."

D: "Nick, I apologize. I gotta go."

N: "Wait, I just called to apologize as well. I just wanna see you be happy, even if that does mean it's without me."

D: "Apology accepted, but can we talk later?"

N: "Sure. I'll be waiting."

D: "Thanks, Nick."

N: "No problem."

*end of the phone call*

I can't believe she just lied to me like that, but Olivia did make an effort to be my friend, so I'll acknowledge that.

I couldn't figure out what to do, so I called Selena to see if she was okay. She usually helps me think straight when I don't know where or who to turn to, but once again, no luck.

I just gave up and sat on the couch. I was so stressed and I couldn't do anything about it.

It's been a couple hours later and I get a call from someone.

*on the phone*

D: "Nick?"

O: "No, it's Olivia."

D: "Oh, hi."

O: "Are you okay?"

D: "I'm fine, but I kinda have a problem with something."

O: "Okay, sure."

D: "I was on the phone with Nick a couple hours ago and I ended up going on a rant about how he forced you to be my friend."

O: "I know, the nerve of him, right? But, I'm happy that he did 'cause it worked out."

D: "Yeah, it did, but it might be cut short if you lie to me again."

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