Chapter 17

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Demi's P.O.V

   Last night was amazing. I spent the rest of the night bring hugged up under Selena. I woke up to see her peacefully asleep. I don't know how we got back into her bedroom.

Last thing I remember was the both of us being on the couch and watching a movie.

I started at my beautiful girlfriend and I couldn't help but notice her light snoring. It was so adorable.

I lightly kissed her lips and her eyes slowly fluttered open. A smile spread across her face.

Selena: "Hey, babe."

"Hey, what's up?"

Selena: "Nothing. I'm just happy to be waking up next to you."

"Aww, thanks, babe."

I straddled her with both legs on each side of her body. She had her hands on my thighs and gazed at me.

"Why do you keep staring at me?"

Selena: "Because sometimes, I can't believe that I ended up with you of all people."

I looked down and smiled. My hair was in front of my eye. I started grinding my crotch against her. I kissed her lips and caressed her face.

"I love you."

Selena: "I love you, too, baby. What do you wanna do today?"

"This. I wanna stay in bed with you all day. I wanna be in your arms and feed you breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And maybe later we could um...."

I trailed off as I started kissing her neck. I grinded a little harder as I heard a moan escape her lips.

Selena: "We can stay in bed all day if you want to."

"Good. But, first, I wanna take a shower. I smell like metal. It's giving me a headache."

Selena: "That's hot." She said chuckling


   I laughed and got out of bed. I felt Selena hit my ass when I walked away. I blushed a little, to be honest. I got into the bathroom and got undressed. I got into the shower and let the hit water cater to my body.

I felt arms wrap around me and I turned to see Selena.

"Hey. What are you doing in here?" I chuckled.

Selena: "I missed you. That's why."

   We washed each other and kissed a few times. When we finished, we went in the room to get dressed. I threw on shorts and a huge sweater and fluffy socks.

I guess Selena was hot because she had on a big t shirt and some shorts. She wore big fluffy slippers to keep her feet warm.

   We spent the day on bed cuddling and watching Netflix. I missed her so much. I'm falling for Selena and I can't lose her. I don't want to.


Olivia's P.O.V

I woke up to an empty bed and smelled food being cooked downstairs.

   I put on Nick's shirt and went downstairs to see what he was up to. I sat on a stool near the counter and watched him cook pancakes shirtless. Gosh, he's so hot.

"Hey, there, Sexy."

He turned around and smiled at me.

Nick: "What's up?"

"Just wanted to see what my man was cooking."

Nick: "Well, your man is cooking pancakes and a bacon omelette with red and green peppers."

"Mmmm..... Sounds good."

Nick: "Good, cause I made you a plate."

He came around the counter and kissed my forehead.

Nick: "Eat up, babygirl."

Babygirl.... I like the way that sounds. He's starting to be himself around me. The Nick I know, is finally back to the way I wanted.

I ate the omelette and it was the best thing I've eaten. After I cleaned up my mess and jumped in the shower.

It took five minutes for me to shower. I texted Demi to see if she was available to hang out.

Hopefully, I can get her comfortable with me enough to be around me, so that I can do what I can in my power to manipulate her.

O: "Hey, Demz 😜"

It took three minutes for her to text me back.

D: Hey, Liv. What's up?

O: Just seeing if you wanted to hang out. Are you free?

D: Not really. I'm with my girlfriend. Is everything okay, though?

*sigh*..... This girl is really starting to piss me off. *gasp* I got it!

I know what I'm gonna do, now. I'm gonna make sure Selena plays a part in this, too. Nick is gonna help me out with my evil little plan, but he doesn't know it yet. Soon, there will be so much tension between them, I'll have Nick all to myself and make Demi so damn jealous, she'll probably end up taking her anger out on herself. I know exactly how to do it.

O: Okay, well, when you're available to me, just let me know, okay? I just feel really terrible and I'm willing to try to help put the problems between us to rest.

D: Okay. I'll let you know.

O: Okay, cool.

We stopped texting and I got really bored, so I laid under Nick for the rest of the day.

Nick: "Hey, babe. You okay?"

"Yeah. I just wanted to cuddle under you for today."

Nick: "Awww. We can do this all day of you want. I'm all yours."

He kissed my forehead and we watched Shameless.

He has no idea what he's getting himself into, I thought to myself.


Nick's P.O.V

   I was laid up with my girlfriend the entire day and I enjoyed her company. Something about taking Olivia back didn't feel right. I felt like I made a huge mistake, but I love her so much. I'm stuck at a crossroads between Demi and Olivia.

Olivia: "Babe, are you okay?"

She snapped me out of my thoughts and I forgot that she was right there beside me.

"Uh... Yeah. Just thinking about something. That's all."

Olivia: "Must be a real big problem."

You have no idea, I thought.

"Nah, it's just random stuff. Nothing serious."

Olivia: "Okay. Just wanna make sure you're okay."

"Awww. Thanks, baby."

Olivia: "Anything for you."

Seeing her smile made me happy, but it wasn't as special as Demi's. God, how I miss her, but I need to move on.

A/N: Once again, I apologize for the short chapters. Yeah, crap has been hectic. Homework is killing me. Just let me know what's up with the book so far and I'll update more

P.S: Please Love Me has been ranked #47 on fanfics in the #Delena section. 😜😜😜😜🖐😀🖑

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