Chapter 5

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Selena's P.O.V

I took Demi to my house and she spent the the night there. Nick is such an asshole. He tried to take advantage of her and I don't appreciate that.

I let her sleep in my guest room last night. I made it nice and cozy for her so she wouldn't be uncomfortable.

I went to the guest room and knocked on the door to see if she was awake. I didn't hear anything, so I just quietly opened the door to find her sound asleep. I sat on the edge of the bed and saw how peaceful she looked. She was cuddled up with a pillow.

Poor thing. She must've been shaken up from yesterday. She must've felt me sit on the bed because her eyes slowly opened.

Demi: "Hey." She said quietly.

"Hey. Are you okay?" I said running my fingers through her hair.

Demi: "Yeah, I guess."

"Okay. Well, I'm going to make some food. Do you want anything?"

Demi: "I'm not that hungry. Probably a sandwich or something."

"Okay. I noticed you slept in your clothes. I forgot to give you some of my pajamas. I apologize."

Demi: "It's not your fault."

"Would you like to go back home or stay a while? I don't mind, you know?"

Demi: "I don't wanna trouble you."

"Don't say that. You're not gonna cause any trouble. I just wanna be there for you."

Demi: "I really don't feel safe being by myself."

"Okay. I'll take you to get your clothes from your house and we'll come back and watch anything you want on t.v. How does that sound?"

Demi: "Yeah, sounds good." She said smiling.

"Alright. Well, I'm gonna make your sandwich and we'll be on our way."

Demi: "Okay."

I went downstairs to make her sandwich and made myself some soup. I brought her the sandwich and we were on our way when we finished eating.

We arrived to her house and I let her get her things. It took her a couple minutes and we were on the way back to my house.

When we arrived at my house, I allowed her to get comfortable.

"So what do you wanna do now?"

Demi: "I don't know. It was a little traumatizing walking back into the house."

"He's not gonna know your here. I'm not going to allow him to hurt you anymore."

I sat on the couch next to her and hugged her.

Demi: "I can't believe I was so in love with that guy. I feel so stupid. Am I really stupid?"

"Demi, no. Like I said, you can't help how you feel about someone. Trust me. I would know."

She looked at me confused.

Demi: "Really? How?"

"Because I feel for you everyday."

Demi: "You feel for me?"

"This probably might ruin our friendship, but I feel for you in a romantic way. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm deeply in love with you. I've felt this way since we were teenagers. I'm sorry that I went this long without saying anything. I guess I was just afraid."

Demi: "I'm happy you said something. It's not going to ruin our friendship at all. I'm just happy you were up front about it."


Demi: "No 'buts'. I'm just glad you're honest about your feelings. I didn't know this is how you felt."


Demi: "You're welcome." She said hugging me.

That was easy. I just need to know if she feels the same way. She didn't really tell me if she did.

She pulled away and looked in my eyes. I got a little hot and my pulse was racing and I leaned in closer to her.

She came an inch closer to me and we weren't that far apart. My lips touched hers and we kissed for the first time. Her lips were so soft, I didn't want to pull away.

Demi's perfume filled my nose and I felt like I was floating. She caressed my face and it felt good. I heard a phone ring and she pulled away to answer it.

Demi: "Sorry. I have to get this."

When she answered the phone, she didn't look so happy.


Demi's P.O.V

I answered the phone and Nick called.

*on the phone*

D: "What do you want, Nick?"

N: "Hello to you, too."

D: "Don't play around with me, Nick. Why are you calling me?"

N: "I don't appreciate you having Selena punching me in the face."

D: "You deserved it. I told you to get off of me, but you still kept tying to get in my pants."

N: "I told you that you owed me."

D: "I don't owe you anything."

N: "Whatever. I will get what I want from you. I'm not going anywhere until you give it to me."

D: Well, go get it from Olivia. I'm sure she'll help you out."

*end of the phone call*

I hung up on him because I didn't have time to be annoyed today.

Selena: "That was Nick, wasn't it? Did he say anything inappropriate to you?"

"Yeah, but I hung up."

Selena: "Really? Like what?"

"What's with all of the questions?"

Selena: "Well, sorry for caring."

"This isn't your fight. I have my own problems to deal with."

Selena: "Oh, okay."

She raised her eyebrow at me as if I said something she didn't like.

"Selena, look. I'm sorry. I'm just stressed. I didn't mean it."

Selena: "It's fine. Just don't punish me for caring about you. I don't like seeing you upset."

"I know. I'm sorry. Please don't be mad."

Selena: "I'm not mad at you."

I looked down and smiled.

Selena: "I'm so in love with your smile. Please don't look down."

She came closer to me and lifted my head up by my chin and kissed me again. Her lips felt so good. She laid me down in the couch and kissed my neck. I moaned and breathed heavily.

I felt like I was the only girl in the world. She made me feel like I was. Compared to Nick, this is the best I've been treated in an intimate way. We made out on the couch and made our way to the bedroom.

She laid me down on the bed and kissed all the way down my stomach to my thighs. She slowly took my pants off and kissed the inside of my thighs. She started licking my vaginal areas which made me moan a little louder.

I gripped the sheets and I couldn't hold them back. My back arched when she found my spot. She licked me for a good 45 minutes until I released and I had an orgasm. Once she was done, she climbed up to the bed and laid beside me. She looked at me and smiled.

"Oh, my god. Did we really just--"

Selena: "Yeah. We kinda just did."


Selena: "Yeah, I know."

We laid there talking for 25 minutes until I put my pants back on. I laid back on the bed and cuddled by her for the rest of the afternoon.

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