Chapter 3

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Demi's P.O.V

I woke up to text from Nick and I read the text. It was the same old apology he tried to use to excuse what he did.

N: Hey, babygirl. I'm sorry about what I did. I don't like seeing you upset. I didn't mean to hurt you. Can you come over and let me make it up to you?

I felt stupid for what I was going to do, but I did it anyways. I came up with an idea, though. I was going to go anyways and tell him that it's over.

Nick's P.O.V

I called Demi over here because I knew she's weak enough to except my apology. She always does this. She's like putty in my hands.

After Demi left yesterday, I stuck with Olivia and I slept with her.

I woke up to see Olivia still in my bed, but I let her sleep. I actually like her better than Demi.

After I finished texting Demi, Olivia woke up and I felt her hug me from behind on the bed.

Olivia: "Hey, baby. Who are you texting?"

"Oh. It's just Demi."

Olivia: "What are you still doing with her? She's so weak. Just leave her."

"I am. Just not yet. I wanna see how long she's going to stay."

Olivia: "Okay. Well, I'm here when she's gone."

"I know. She's coming over and maybe I could convince her to a threesome again."

Olivia: "Ooh, that'll be fun." She said kissing my ear.

"You want some breakfast?"

Olivia: "At 1:30 p.m?"

"It's never too late for a little pancakes and bacon."

Olivia: "You're right. I'll have some."


I went to make breakfast which didn't take long. When I finished, I heard the doorbell. I looked out to see that it was Demi.

Demi: "I'm here."

"I know. Come on in."

Demi: "It smells good in here."

"Yeah, I made some breakfast. Want some?"

Demi: "No thanks. I'm not hungry."

"Okay. Well, come over here and sit."

I directed her to the couch and sat next to her.

"You know I've been a jerk, and I didn't mean to act like that."

Demi: "Well, look I know what's going to happen after you apologize. You're going to go right back to being yourself. You don't mean a thing you're saying to me."

I realized that she was starting to get used to my patterns, so, I went with plan B.

I caught her mid rant and started to get closer to her. I started kissing her neck and sucking on it. She couldn't talk properly.

Demi: "I think-- I think you should-- um...."

I could hear her moans and her heavy breathing.

"Shhhh.... I know you still love me. Your feelings haven't changed that much."

Demi: "Nick, stop. I can't do this anymore."

She moved me off of her and looked at me like she was going to say something I wasn't going to like.

Demi: "Look. Being with you has been..... a bit of a rocky journey, but I can't be with you anymore. You're not a guy who I can stay with and be happy. You mistreat me, and you know you do."

"Come on, don't do this. You know I love you."

Demi: "If you did love me, you would show me instead of using it as a line to keep me around and string me along. You don't love me. You only loved the fact that you've mistreated me and I kept coming back. You only loved the fact that I kept giving you chance after chance to hurt me. I'm done, Nick!"

"Well, fine. I don't need you. That's why I have Olivia. Yo, Olivia!"

Olivia came downstairs and with a huge grin on her face.

She came to my side and kissed me in front of Demi.

"Since we're no longer together, I guess I can get this off of my chest now. Me and Olivia were having a little fun while you and I were going out. You wouldn't sleep with me, so I just called up Olivia and one thing led to another."

Demi: "So, let me get this straight.... You punished me for not sleeping with you by breaking my heart and cheating on me?"

"Well, if you put it that way..."

Demi: "There's no other way to put it. That's why you called me for a threesome?"

"That and you're boring."

Demi: "Because I don't want a threesome?"

I stood there in silence until Olivia said something

Olivia: "He just wanted to have fun. He doesn't need you anymore."

Demi: "I didn't ask your opinion."

Olivia: "Whatever."

I'm guessing Demi had enough, so she just walked away and left.

Demi: "F*ck you, Nick. I hope the both of you catch AIDS."

Olivia: "Ooh, that hurt." She said sarcastically.

Demi's P.O.V

I walked out of there as fast as I could, my heart was racing feeling like I was going to collapse.

I got in my car and quickly drove home.

Once I got home, I just changed into my pajamas and stayed in my room.

I got in my bed and cried myself to sleep for the rest of the day. I can't believe that just happened.

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