Chapter 24

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Demi's P.O.V

After a fun evening with Kehlani, I decided to take her advice on what I should do.

I got up and went to freshen up. I put on a regular white t shirt and some dark blue jeans and some black and white Converses.

I called Nick, Selena, and Olivia and told them all to be at my house in a few.

I didn't tell any of them that each other were gonna be here. They would back out and never show up.

I called Kehlani and asked her to come for extra support.

I didn't wanna bring her in my messy life, but, I need some support.

I got some refreshments out, such as Oreos, sodas, water, stuff like that.

I heard the door bell ring and the first person to arrive was Kehlani.

Kehlani: "Hey. What's up?" She hugged me by my waist and kissed my cheek.

"Nothing much. Just decided to take your advice and clean up my life a bit."

Kehlani: "Yeah, you told me you needed some support if something goes wrong." She said with a smile

"Thanks. I feel bad for brining you into this. I'm sorry."

Kehlani: "No, no. Don't be ridiculous. I'm here for you. It's not a problem."

"Are you sure?"

Kehlani: "Yeah. I'm here to support you. It's all good. Plus, it'll give me a chance to meet some of the people in your life."

"Thanks. I didn't want it to happen like this, though."

Kehlani: "It's fine. I'm okay with it."

She hugged me again and it felt so comforting. She smelled so good.

We pulled away and sat on the couch.

Kehlani: "Ooh, Oreos. May I?"

"Sure, go ahead. Help yourself."

As she went to grab a napkin full of Oreos, the doorbell rang again.

"I wonder who that could be now."

I went to open the door and found Nick standing at the door.

He had a smirk on his face. He leaned in to kiss me, but I backed away.

Nick: "C'mon, baby, what's the problem? You call me over here to reject me? I know you want me."

I guess Kehlani saw what was going on because she came to my rescue.

Kehlani: "Hey. Nick, right?"

Nick: "Yeah. You must be.... Lelani?"

Kehlani: "The name's Kehlani."

Nick: "Right."

Nick came in and sat down on the couch.

All three of us were sitting and staring at each other.

The tension was so thick, that you would have to cut it with a chainsaw.

Nick: "So, Karen--"

Kehlani: "Kehlani."

Nick: "Kehlani. How do you know Demi? She's never talked about you to me before. So, I'm assuming that you two just met."

I gently pinched the bridge of my nose and put my head down.

He hasn't been here for ten minutes yet, and he's already starting trouble.

I looked at Kehlani and mouthed "I'm so sorry."

Kehlani whispered "It's fine."

The door bell rang and I got up to answer the door. Selena was standing there and I hugged her.

Selena: "Hey. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Just come in and sit down."

Selena saw Kehalni and Nick. Her facial expression was slightly confused.

Selena: "Uh...."

Kehlani: "Selena... right?"

Selena: "Yeah. You're--"

Kehlani: "I'm Kehlani. It's nice to meet you."

They shook hands and Selena had a smile appear on her face.

Selena sat down and grabbed a bottle of water on the table.

It's been twenty minutes and the doorbell rang. I went to see who it was. It was Olivia.

Olivia: "Hey, girl." She said with a smile.

"Hey. Please, come in."

She walked into the living room and saw who was there.

Olivia: "It's kinda calm in here for it to be a party, isn't it?"

"That's because it's not a party. It's a small gathering. I need to straighten some things out with you guys." I smiled softly.

Olivia went to sit down next to Kehalni.

I went to the front of the living room where everyone can see me.

"Guys..... I have to clarify some stuff. We have to actually make some adjustments with each other before we can go on any further with each other's relationships. So... does anyone have anything they wanna share before I go on?"

Nick raised his hand and knowing him, I might have to brace myself for whatever comes out of his mouth.

"Yes. What's on your mind, Nick?"

Nick: "I know certain people wouldn't like what I'm going to say, but, how long have you decided all of this?"

Okay, not as bad as I thought.

"Well, yesterday, I went out with Kehalni and she gave me some good advice on what to do with you guys."

Kehalni had a pleasant smile on her face. This might go smoothly.

Nick: "Ah, so, you abandoned Selena to galavant with the Madame Tattoos over here."

Oh, god.... I stand corrected.... Nick, not now. Please, don't do this now. 

Kehalni: "Um... excuse me?"

Nick: "No, excuse me. Why didn't you tell me that other people would be here?"

Before I could say anything, Olivia said something.

Olivia: "Nick, just shut up and sit down. You're always being such an asshole."

Nick: "I wasn't talking to you." He said pointing in her direction.

Selena: "Someone please shut this idiot up."

Nick: "Who are you calling an idiot, Bitch?"

Selena slapped Nick and he held his face in pain.

Selena: "Don't you ever call me a bitch again in your life!"

Nick: "If you weren't a woman, I'd kick your ass!"

Selena: "Did you say that when you were slapping Demi around?"

"Guys, please, don't do this."

Kehlani came to my side to comfort me.

Kehalni: "He hit you?"

"Yeah. It was a long time ago."

While everyone was arguing, I had to do something to stop it.

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