Chapter 26

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Selena's P.O.V.

Since I came from the gathering at Demi's, I thought a lot about what she said.

We have been on and off a lot lately and I can't stand to put her through that anymore.

I sat on the couch watching Scary Movie 2 and I get a call from Taylor.

*on the phone*

S: "Hey, what's going on?"

T: "Nothing. Just checking in."

S: "Thanks. I really needed to hear your voice. I've been really stressed lately."

T: "Is it Demi again?"

S: "Yeah. I came from her house hours ago from a little get together. Nick, and Olivia was there. Kehlani had been there. Demi wanted to talk yo us about what was bothering her. Nick got out of hand. He started getting on everyone's nerves and everything got worse. Demi yelled at everyone and told us what was on her mind and we all just had to register what happened. We all just left after that."

T: "Wow. Seems like a lot. Is everything out in the open, now? Like, is everyone clear of what they did?"

S: "Yeah. Demi told me that we couldn't keep going on and off. She told Nick that she doesn't want him anymore, but knowing him, he might make an ass of himself trying to get her back. She told Olivia that she was being fake. Pretty much everyone got an ear full."

T: "Damn. I'm sorry that happened. Sounds like a lot."

S: "It was. I should just move on. I screwed things up with my first love. I feel like I pushed her into Kehlani's arms. I must be the dumbest person on earth."

T: "You're not stupid. You had no idea that Kehlani was gonna come along. Just try not to drive yourself crazy thinking about it too much. Do anything, but get your mind off of it."

S: "How am I supposed to do that?"

T: "I dunno. Do whatever makes you happy. Go somewhere for the weekend and clear your head. I have a beach house somewhere in Topanga beach. You can go to. Maybe go on a date. Not like a rebound, but give yourself time to heal and once you feel like you're over her, then go have a nice time. Break away from any contact with Demi because that might make you feel worse."

S: "What if I need to see if she's okay?"

T: "I'll check on her. I've got it all under control. Just get out and have a good time."

S: "Thanks, Taylor."

T: "No problem. Talk to you later, okay?"

S: "Yeah. Later."

I got off of the phone and went to go pack my clothes. Taylor sent me the address to her beach house and I got in my car to go get myself together.


Nick's P.O.V 

   After what went down at Demi's house, I thought a lot about what she said and it registered to me. I've really screwed up everything we had built together. I know I've said this before, but, I'm serious this time. I can't hurt her anymore than I already have. I'm deciding to get my life together.

   I was able to find Priyanka's phone number through my recents. Once I called her, I wanted to take her on a date.

*on the phone*

P: "Hello?"

N: "Hey. It's Nick. Remember me?"

P: "Oh, hey. I thought I'd never hear from you again. What's up?"

N: "Nothing much. Just doing some thinking about stuff."

P: "Really? What could that be?"

N: "How 'bout I take you on a date?"

P: "Aww. You wanna do that?"

N: "Yeah. Why not?"

P: "Okay. When do you wanna go?"

N: "Does tomorrow night sound okay?"

P: "Ooh, eager, aren't we?"

N: "Eager indeed."

P: "Good. Tomorrow sounds great. What time?"

N: "7:30?"

P: "Perfect. Do you mind telling me where we're going?"

N: "Can't. It's a surprise."

P: "Awww. No fair." She said laughing.

N: "I know. I'm evil. You'll love it, though." I said chuckling.

P: "Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Nick."

N: "See you tomorrow, gorgeous."

*end of conversation*

   I can't believe I just did that. I got a date. I'm officially ready to move on from Demi. I just don't want her to hate me anymore.

    I'm ready to start a new chapter in my life. Hopefully Demi and I can be okay with each other. I still care about her a lot and I feel like I owe her.

I wanna do something special for her and not be able to screw it up and I have just the thing to do it.

A/N: Don't worry. I'm still alive. I'm sorry for not posting as much as I used to. School has been kicking my butt (as well as senioritis) 😥😜

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