Chapter 30

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Selena's P.O.V

   I'm driving to the beach house and it wasn't that long of a drive. Once I got there and parked my car, I went inside to take a look at the house. It was gorgeous. The couches were so soft and fluffy.

   I went upstairs to the bedrooms and the bedding was white and there were nice windows and skylight

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   I went upstairs to the bedrooms and the bedding was white and there were nice windows and skylight

   I went upstairs to the bedrooms and the bedding was white and there were nice windows and skylight

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    I sat my bags down and sat on the bed. A few seconds later, my phone rang and it was Taylor.

*on the phone*

T: "Hey. You made it yet?"

S: "Yeah. I'm here. This place is nice."

T: "Thanks. I made sure everything was set up for you. I restocked the fridge and put all of your favourite foods in there. I have green linens in the closet because, that's your favourite color. You're set."

S: "Thanks, Taylor."

T: "You're welcome. Have fun."

*End of the phone call*

I went to look at the rest of the house and it was pretty cool.

I looked in the fridge and saw fruits and vegetables and other snacks to balance out my food intake. I saw a note on a pack of oreos and a bottle of water.

'Bought these for you, Selena. Enjoy! :)'

I smiled at the note as I opened the pack and took one and ate it. I opened the water and took a sip.

I walked over to the couch, turned on the TV, and browsed for a movie to watch on Netflix.

I scrolled through and found Princess Protection Program and it made me tear up a little.

I scrolled pass it and decided to watch The Office. Something had to cheer me up.


Nick's P.O.V

   I decided to get up off of the couch and clean up. I called Demi to see what she was up to.

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