Chapter 20

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Joe's P.O.V

Nick showed up to my house and he was an emotional mess. He told me that Olivia left him due to his neglect and I can understand that a bit. All he does is complain to her about Demi and Olivia had nothing to do with that. Poor girl. My brother is trying to do the right thing, but he's not doing it the way that it's supposed to be done.

He's so lonely that he needs someone and he tries to keep everyone around him. He needs to get better first and work on himself before jumping into something serious with someone.

"So, let me get this straight. You kept talking to your girlfriend about your ex and she got upset and told you that Demi made her feel insecure and left?"

Nick: "Yes for the last time. That's what happened. How many times do I have to spell it out for you?"

"Okay, calm down. I didn't mean any harm. I just wanna help you get through this. I'm sorry you have to go through this, bro, but you brought this on yourself. Look, just try to do something to get your mind off of them. Just decide on who you love the most and go with your gut. Now, don't get me wrong on this, but Demi was the one for you, too. But you messed that up. If your heart settles on Demi, respect her space and let her be happy with Selena. It might kill you, but eventually, you'll get over it. Now, if it's Olivia, let her decide on if she wants you back. Knowing her, she might say yes. Give her some space to forgive you and once she's done, treat her the right way. Don't complain to her about Demi. Write it in a journal or something. If she wants to move on, then let her go. She deserves to be happy. Go find another girl and treat her the right way. I'm telling you this because I love you too much to see you like this. You've gotta get it together. You can be sad and heart broken, but don't stay there too long. You'll have your sadness turn to anger and depression."

Nick: "Thanks, Joe. I've never looked at it like that. What would I do without you?"

"Well, you'd probably make even worse decisions than this. That's what."

He chuckled at my response. I love to see Nick happy.

"But look, all I'm saying is just give it time, okay. I'm sure one of them will come around."

Nick: "Hopefully."

"Yes. Now, let's get to the drinks, shall we?"

Nick: "I guess I have to crash at your place tonight because I drove here."

"You know I don't have a problem with that. Anything for you."

I broke out the beers and we drank and watched sports. The Mets were taking on the Red Sox.
It was a great game. The Mets were in the lead with 10 homeruns.

Some time passed and it was getting really late. Nick and I were a little intoxicated. I knew Nick was somewhat drunk because he was texting Someone and I knew I was a little drunk because I was giggling at stupid stuff.

Nick: "Hey, man where's your bathroom?" He said giggling

"You know where it is, man. It's across the hall to the right. You're acting l-like it's in N-narn-Narnia or something."

My words were a bit slurred.

Nick: "What are you talking about man?" He said laughing

"I don't kn-know, dude. I-I'm seeing two of you."

Nick: "Whoa. That's *hiccup* crazy, man."

He got up and stumbled to the bathroom.

His phone kept chiming off of the hook. I wanted to go see it, but I didn't wanna be nosey. And plus, I didn't feel like getting up.

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