Chapter 6

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Nick's P.O.V

I sat in the living room and flipped through the t.v. channels and couldn't find anything to watch, so I just decided to play Xbox.

I'm guessing Olivia got bored or something because she came downstairs bugging me. She came up to me and kissed my ear, so I moved my head.

"I don't wanna be bothered right now, Olivia."

Olivia: "Why not? I thought you loved my ear kisses."

"I don't wanna be kissed on. I'm playing Call Of Duty."

Olivia: "Ooh. Can I play?"

"No, Olivia. I just want some time to myself."

Olivia: "You barely even touched me or looked me in the eye today and now you're talking about wanting time to yourself? That's bullshit, Nick!"

"Listen. I told you what this was. I used you to make Demi jealous. We're not in a relationship."

Olivia: "But what about the time you said that you loved me?"

"I do. Well, not like that. I mean, I have love for you and all that, but I just don't think we should be in a relationship."

Olivia: "Why would you lead me on like this, Nick? I can't believe this!"

I paused my game and looked at her. I got up off of the couch and walked up to her. I slapped her in the face and she fell to the ground.

"Demi never used to bother me like this! God, you're so annoying. I can't go three minutes without a woman breathing down my neck!"

Olivia held her hand over her face.

Olivia: "Well, if you miss Demi so much, then go back to her. You can forget about me or ever touching me again!"

"I will!"

Olivia went upstairs and I heard a door slam. It's been a whole hour since me and Olivia's argument. I went upstairs to see if she was okay. I was wrong to hit her like that. I don't know what's wrong with me. Whenever I lose my cool, someone always decides to leave me. I deserve it.

I slowly opened the door to see her asleep on my bed. Her face was red and she had dried tear trails on her face to indicate that she was crying. I slowly shook her and she jumped up a little. I guess I scarred her or something.

"Hey. You okay?"

Olivia: "You came to talk to me or hit me?" She said sitting up, with her hair still in her face.

"I'm sorry, baby. I was stressed out. I know that doesn't excuse what I did. I was wrong and I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of that stuff I said earlier. Can you forgive me?"

Olivia: "Yes. I forgive you. Now, shut up and kiss me." She said pulling me down and smiling.

I bent down low to kiss her and laid on top of her. I kissed her like I was kissing Demi. I'm starting to realize what a huge asshole I was. I was afraid that this day was going to come. I knew this was going to happen. I just didn't know it was going to happen sooner. I miss her.

Later on, I felt guilty, so I took her to a restaurant and let her have her personal favorite. Chicken Alfredo with a side of garlic bread. Demi always hated pasta. I can't help but think about her right now.


Demi's P.O.V

I spent the rest of the day with Selena and I loved every hour of it. We watched scary movies all day and ate snacks until we were full. We were cuddled up on the couch with the lights off. It was completely dark and the only thing giving off light was the bright t.v.

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