Chapter 23

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Selena's P.O.V

I need to talk to Demi. We always do this annoying thing where I find out that something happens with her and Nick, I get upset, we fight, I ask for space to clear my head, then we make up until the cycle continues.

Maybe it was a bad idea to ask her to be my girlfriend. I couldn't help myself, though. I was madly in love and I still am. Gosh, this is hard.

I got out of bed and I went to bathe. I put on some grey and black sweatpants and a white t shirt and some black and white Converses.

I called Taylor and wanted to see if she was free to hang out.

The phone rang three times and I finally got a hold of her.

*on the phone*

T: "Hey, buddy. What's up?"

S: "Hey, Taylor. I'm having a bit of a bad day. Do you wanna grab a bite to eat or something?"

T: "Yeah. Is everything okay?"

S: "Yeah, I just wanna talk to someone."

T: "You know I'm all ears. We can go out to eat, but I'm paying the bill."

S: "Really? Are you sure? You don't have to do that."

T: "I want to be able to take care of you when you're upset."

I chuckled a bit

S: "What makes you think I'm upset?"

T: "I can hear it in your voice."

S: "Okay. You got me there. Where do you wanna go for lunch?"

T: "How about this? I'll come and pick you up and I'll take you anywhere you want to go."

S: "Okay. If you insist. What time are you coming to get me?"

T: "In a couple minutes. I'm already on my way to you. Are you dressed?"

S: "Yeah. Just let me know when you get here."

T: "Okay. Love you, Sel."

S: "Love you too, Tay."

*end of the phone call*

I waited for her to get here and it want long before I received a text saying that she was outside.

I briefly left outside and locked my door. I got inside of Taylor's car and we were off.

Taylor: "So, what's up? You look like someone died."

"Well, not someone, but something."

Taylor: "What do you mean?"

"Me and Demi's relationship. I don't know what's going on with us."

Taylor: "Uh huh. What's the problem with y'all's relationship?"

"Everything seems fine when we're together, but something always causes us to drift apart. We take some time to ourselves and then we make up like nothing happened."

After a matter of time, we got to the diner for lunch.

We sat outside under the shade. We ordered lemonade considering that it was a warm day.

Taylor: "So, what happened with you two?"

I pulled out my phone and showed her the tabloids. She read them and spit out her drink.

Taylor: "Sorry. Holy crap."

She grabbed a napkin and cleaned up her mess.

"It's fine. I wouldn't blame you. I've had the same reaction."

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