Chapter 7

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Selena's P.O.V

    I woke up and I saw Demi asleep on my lap and it made my heart melt. She looked so peaceful. She had light breathing as if a toddler was in the room.

   I carefully moved out of the way to make my way to the bathroom. When I got up. I kissed her forehead and went upstairs to the bathroom.

    I went to brush my teeth and grabbed the toothpaste out of the medicine cabinet. I washed me my face and tried to brush my long brown hair to the side.

   While in the middle of brushing, I felt something hug my waist and it startled me a bit. When I found out who it was, I smiled and turned around.

Demi: "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." She said chuckling

"It's fine. How'd you sleep?"

Demi: "I slept okay."


Demi: "I love you."

"I love you too."

I pecked her lips and hugged her.

"What are you doing today?"

Demi: "I have to rehearse for Scream 5. Can you take me?"

"Sure. Get dressed and I'll take you. Where is it?"

Demi: "It's near the set of the Ellen DeGeneres Show."

"Okay. I'll drive you there."

Demi: "Thanks, Babe. You're the best."

"I know." I said smiling.

   I went to go shower in the other bathroom downstairs and let her have the other one upstairs. She. I got dressed I just threw on a blue t shirt, some jeans and my blue and white Nikes.

   When I went dowmstairs, I saw Demi sitting at the counter eating cereal.

"You were really hungry, huh?"

Demi: "Yeah. I'm sorry. My stomach was killing me."

"It's cool."

   Demi finished her cereal and we drove to her rehearsal. When we got there, Demi looked really nervous.

"Everything okay?"

Demi: "Yeah. Just nervous a bit. This is the first horror film I've done and I have a lot on my mind. I kinda don't wanna screw it up."

"You'll do great. I'll be right there watching you on set, okay?"

Demi: "Okay. Thanks."

"Once again. Anything for you."

   We got out of the car and walked inside the set. When we walked in Neve Campbell walked up to us and gave us a hand shake."

Neve: "Hello. How are you guys?"

Demi: "We're good. Selena, this is Neve. Neve, this is my girlfriend Selena."

Neve: "Ooh. Girlfriend, huh? Lucky lady." She said looking at me and laughing.

"Thank you." I said smiling

Neve: "You're welcome. There's refreshments in case you want any."

"Ooh, bottled water. Thank goodness. I'm parched." I said laughing.

   I walked over to the table to get some water and saw Demi and Neve walk on the set to make Scream 5. They started reciting their lines and getting into character. They were both really good at what they were doing. I'm really proud of her.

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