Chapter 16

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Selena's P.O.V

   Later that night, I was thinking about what happened and I started thinking about what Demi had said and what she had told me.

   Of course she wouldn't do that to me. I can't just leave her. I love her too much to do that. We've been through a lot. I don't care what she does to me, my love for her runs deeper than the ocean.

I picked up my phone and called her. Luckily, she picked up.

D: "Selena? Is everything okay?"

S: "Yeah. I just need you and I want you to come over. I really don't wanna be alone right now. Baby, please come over."

D: "Okay. I'm coming right now."

S: "Thanks. Hey, Demi?"

D: "Yeah?"

S: "I'm sorry."

D: "It's okay. You're just protective. You know I would never hurt you. I love you too much to do that."

S: "I love you, too."

*end of the phone call*

   I waited for her to get here and while I did, I had to make the house look nice. I tidied up and lit some candles. I dimmed the lights and got some strawberries and champagne out on the table.

   I put Netflix on until she got here. It's been 40 minutes and I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly got up and answered the door and there she was just standing there. She looked gorgeous without even trying.

   She had on regular clothes. It was a light grey v neck t shirt and dark blue jeans and grey huaraches. I love the way her curves looked in those jeans.

"Come on in."

She walked in and saw how the house looked and smiled.

Demi: "Wow. It looks amazing in here. It smells good, too."

"Thanks, I used Air Wick. It's lavender."

Demi: "Mmm. Good choice."

"Thanks. Anything for you."

We sat on the couch and I just gazed at her.

Demi: "What?" She said smiling

"Nothing. Just examining you."

Demi: "Why do I look bad?"

"No, I'm just admiring how gorgeous you look."

Demi: "How? I look average."

"No, you don't. You can pull off anything. Actually, I'd rather pull it off for you." I said coming closer and biting my lip.

   She smiled and looked down. She brushed her hair behind her ear. She started blushing really hard. I love how she gets when she receives a compliment. She had a smile that could make my heart skip a beat.

"I just want you to know that it was Nick that I was mad at and not you. I just needed some time to think and I wasn't trying to make you think that any of that was your fault. Can you please forgive me?"

Demi: "I can't forgive you for something you don't have control over. I would've reacted the same way. If it's anyone who should be apologizing, it should be me. I should be me."

"Well, let's just put the whole thing behind us, okay?"

Demi: "Okay. I'm cool with that."

"Good. I'm happy you said that. I miss you and I love you."

Demi: "I love you, too."

   I moved closer to her and my face was inches apart from her face. Her perfume filled my nose and her body heat was enough to keep me warm for the entire night. I missed this. Nick ruins everything and it strains our relationship.

   She kissed my lips and I felt how soft her lips were. I traced my fingers along the side of her arms. Her skin was so smooth, it felt like butter.

I broke the kiss and gazed in her beautiful brown eyes. They sparkled when the light touched them.

"You want a strawberry?"

Demi: "Yeah. I would love one."

   I grabbed a strawberry and fed it to her. She bit it without breaking eye contact. She smiled and chewed it while smiling, which I found adorable.

"You have some strawberry on your lip."

Demi: "Can you get it off for me?"

   I kissed her lips again and gently sucked her bottom lip. My heart was racing. I couldn't believe that I'm with the most beautiful woman in the universe.

She bit her lip and looked at me. I brushed her hair out of her face and my hand cupped her cheek.

I hope this doesn't end.

   She sat on my lap, facing me and started kissing me like she meant it. I kissed her back while my hands were on her hips. My hands slowly went to her ass, firmly grabbing it. Knowing what I did, she smiled against my lips. She started to kiss my neck, causing me to breathe heavily.

   While grinding against me. Honestly, it felt good. She had the touch of an angel and it drove me insane. I got up, and picked her up by her thighs.

   We went upstairs to my room and I laid her down on the bed. She took my shirt off and I took hers off. We undressed each other. I kissed her neck, which caused her to moan softly. I ran my hand to her area and slowly started to rub her.

Demi: "I missed this."

"I did, too."

   My lips went down from her neck to her chest and down to her underwear. I pulled them off and started licking. I heard soft moans escape her mouth. They were like music to my ears.

I kept licking until she reached her climax. I licked her clean and came up to kiss her.

   I gave her a t shirt to lounge around in and I put on a a shirt and shorts. I carried her bridal style downstairs and we cuddled on the couch to watch Suicide Squad.

Demi: "Don't hate me for this, but I think Harley Quinn is hot."

"Really? I thought the same thing."

Demi: "Good. I thought I was the only one who thought that."

"Nope. We're on the same boat."

   We put the strawberries away and finished the champagne. After a few hours, we fell asleep in each other's arms. I'm deeply in love with this woman.

A/N: Sorry this page was so short, guys. I've been dealing with some stuff. I'll be updating more frequently, though. 😜

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