Chapter 36

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Kehlani's P.O.V

I can't believe she said yes. We're getting married.

I put the ring on her finger and kissed her.

I pulled away and sat next to her on the couch and held her hand in mine to look at the ring.

"It looks great on you."

Demi: "Thank you. It's gorgeous." She said with a big smile on her face.

"I knew you would like it."

Demi: "I love it."

"I love you." I said kissing her lips.

Demi: "I love you, too."

"I can't wait to carry you across the threshold one day."

Demi: "Me either. I'm so excited."

"I know. I'm getting tingly just thinking about it."

Demi: "You'll look great on our wedding day."

"Ditto. Speaking of clothes, I'm gonna go get some pajamas and I'll be back."

Demi: "Ok. Be careful, ok?"

"I will my love."

I kissed her and got in my car to drive home.

I love this girl so much and I can't wait to make her my wife.


Selena's P.O.V

I'm sitting at home, watching How I Met Your Mother and I get a phone call from Demi.

*on the phone*

S: "Hello?"

D: "I'm engaged."

S: *gasp* "Kehlani proposed?"

D: "Yes. Isn't is great?"

S: "That's wonderful. I'm so happy for you. Quick, what does the ring look like?"

D: "It's a 14 karat, I'm guessing. It's square shaped, though."

S: "Omg. That's awesome. Don't tell me everything about the ring. I wanna see for myself."

D: "Gotcha."

S: "How did it happen? Tell me everything."

D: "Okay, this is how it happened. I'm sitting on the couch and Kehlani gave me a foot rub. I got really comfortable and for a minute, she stopped. I look up to see what the hold up was and there she was, holding the ring in the box."

S: "That's so adorable. She's a gem. I'm really happy for you."

D: "You sure it's not hard on you considering how everything was between us?"

S: "Of course not. All I care about is your happiness. If Kehlani makes you happy, then you deserve her. Plus, I like her. She's really cool."

D: "Then, that's all that matters."

S: "Good. Be good to her and make sure she's good to you, alright?"

D: "I promise."

S: "Good. I'll talk to you later, ok?"

D: Ok. Later. Love you."

S: "Love you, too. Are we still allowed to say that to each other?" I said laughing.

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