Chapter 2

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Demi's P.O.V

When I got home, I just changed into my pajamas and turned on the t.v. I can't sit in silence.

I don't like to sit in silence because I don't like how I become mentally.

My thoughts start racing and I automatically become sad.

I turned to whatever was playing on cable and just took a quick nap.

I was too exhausted to think about Nick and how much of a jerk he was being.

Selena's P.O.V

Some time passes and I was trying everything to keep my mind off of Demi.

I want to talk to her and ask her how her day was going.

Knowing that she's probably with Nick, that immature bastard, she might not be doing so well.

I went to call her, but her phone was going straight to voicemail.

I called her for the second time, but she still wasn't answering, so I just left her a message and went on with my day. I didn't want to smother her.

I called my friend Taylor Swift to see what she was up to.

She knows how I feel about Demi and how much I love her, so I figured she'd give me some advice on how to tell her my feelings

*on the phone*

T: "Hey, Selena. How's it going?"

S: "Nothing much. I'm just thinking about something important. I just wanted to talk to someone to take the stress off of my mind."

T: "Thinking about something or some one?"

S: "What are you talking about?"

T: "You can't hide your emotions from me, Sel. I know you."

S: "Okay, you got me. I'm just still thinking of a way to tell her how I feel without it being awkward, you know?"

T: "Yeah, I feel you."

My phone started ringing and I looked at it to see that it was Demi

S: "Speaking of whom, someone's on the other line."

T: "It's Demi, isn't it?"

S: "Yeah. Talk to you later?"

T: "Yep. Good luck."

S: "Thanks. I'm gonna need it."

T: "You're welcome, buddy. Bye."

S: "Bye."

I clicked over to Demi and answered her call

S: "Hello?"

D: "Selena? Are you busy?"

S: "No, why? Is everything okay?"

D: "Could you come over for a second?"

S: "Yeah. I'm on my way."

D: "Okay."

*end of the conversation*

I hopped in my car and drove to her house as fast as I could. I probably broke a couple traffic laws trying to get to her.

When I got to the door, I rang the doorbell and she came to the door faster than I thought.

Demi: "Hey...."

"Hey. Is everything alright?"

Demi: "I just need your company."

"I'm here. What's the matter?"

She invited me inside and told me about the incident with Nick and some other chick, Olivia.

"You can't be serious."

Demi: "It really happened. I feel so betrayed."

"Just end it with him. He obviously doesn't love you or respect you if this is how he treats you."

Demi: "I can't just leave him. I'm so deeply in love with him. He loves me, too. He tells me all the time."

"He's lying to you, telling you what you want to hear. If he really loved you he would show you everyday."

After I said that, she lost it and cried on my shoulder. I hated seeing her like this. Nick is going to get his ass kicked one day.

Demi: "You're probably going to say 'I told you so' aren't you? Go on. I deserve it."

"No. Demi... look at me."

She looked at me and her eyes started sparkling from her tears.

"You can't help how you feel about Nick. I understand that. You're not wrong for anything. None of this is your fault. One day, he's going to come to his senses and it's probably going to be too late. He's going to have his guilt eat away at him for a long time."

Demi: "Thank you."

"I'm here for you."

She gave me this long hug and I couldn't help but smell her perfume and her nice long brown hair.

Demi: "I'm going to break up with Nick. I don't know what to do. Is it wrong if I stay?"

My thoughts said Yeah, if you wanna get your heart crapped on. But, I remembered she's heart broken so, I said something else.

"Well, I can't make your decisions for you, but the best thing to do is to leave him. He's not worth your tears anymore."

Demi: "I guess you're right."

"I know I am. You're too pretty to be crying."

Saying that put a huge smile on her face. Finally, I get a smile from her.

"Are you okay, now?"

Demi: "Yeah. I'm okay. Do you have to leave?"

"You kicking me out already?" I said laughing

Demi: "No, no. I just don't want to keep you long." She said smiling.

"Well, I won't stay long. Call me if you need me, okay?"

Demi: "Yeah. I will."


I left her house feeling good that I helped her, but anxious knowing that she probably might go back to Nick. I drove home confused.

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