Chapter 10

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Demi's P.O.V

   Later in the evening, it had to be 8:47 p.m. and I was just laying on my bed and staring at the ceiling. I kept thinking about Selena, but I was thinking about Nick more. What's wrong with me? I'm such an idiot.

   I called to see if she was okay. I didn't wanna kick her out of my house, but I had to be alone to think about some stuff. When the phone rang for the third time, she finally picked up the phone.

*on the phone*

D: "Selena, I'm sorry."

S: "Were you sorry when you were sleeping with Nick a couple hours ago?"

D: "How much longer are we going to talk about this?"

S: "I don't know. Until I'm not upset with you anymore."

D: "Okay. I understand."

S: "Is that the only reason why you called me?"

D: "Why? Do you have something better to do?"

S: "No. Other than sit in my house and try to distract myself from being heart broken, then nope."

D: "Selena, I'm sorry."

S: "I forgive you.  Please just stop apologizing. Look, I have to go. I'll talk to you later. I'm just really exhausted from thinking about you all night."

D: "Okay. I'll talk to you later, then."

*end of the phone call*

   I felt bad and I didn't know what to do. I became teary-eyed and I couldn't control myself. I started crying and to myself and I couldn't call anyone for comfort. Selena was too mad at me and Nick already helped me ruin my relationship with me and her.

Nick's P.O.V

   Me and Olivia were sitting on the couch and finished watching Speed.

Olivia: "What else do you wanna watch?"

"I dunno. You get to pick."

   Olivia was scrolling through Netflix and I happened to notice how Camp rock and Camp Rock 2 were on my list. My mind started to race and I thought of Demi in an instant. I turned my phone on to text Demi and see if she was okay. I had to be sneaky with it because I don't like it when Olivia is breathing down my neck. 

Olivia: "Who are you texting?"

I ignored her and kept texting. When she leaned over my shoulder to see who it was, she wasn't pleased. 

Olivia: "Oh, my god, Nick! Why are you texting her? you said you made your decision and that decision was me! Spend some time with your girlfriend for Christ sake!" 

"Olivia, I just wanted to check on her. Just because we're not dating anymore, doesn't mean that I have to forget about her. she's still my responsibility and I feel bad about the way I treated her."

Olivia: "Either you get rid of her, or I will."

"Please don't do this. Not now."

Olivia: "You know what? I'm going upstairs to our room and stay there until you come to your senses."

   I watched her go all they way upstairs and lock the door. She locked me out of my own room. That's just great. I have to knock on my own room door to get in. This is bullsh*t. Bullsh*t, I tell you. I stayed downstairs and I continued to watch t.v. in peace. Olivia can finish her little tantrum, but she's not going to ruin my peace. A day with my girlfriend has turned into me time. This is getting ridiculous.

Olivia's P.O.V.

   After I went upstairs, I was so upset at Nick. He obviously chose me over that bitch Demi. What does she have that I don't? I'm getting sick of having her pop up in every argument between Nick and I. I'm gonna need a plan to get rid of her, but I need to figure out how to do it. No one needs to know about this. Some hours have gone by and I heard the t.v. turn off downstairs. Nick's footsteps had gotten closer and closer. When he opened the door, He looked at me and proceeded to change into his pajamas. 

Nick: "Are you still mad at me?"

"Depends. Are you still talking to her?"

   He didn't say anything. He just put his phone down and walked to the bathroom. I'm going to take that as a yes. I went over to his phone and unlocked it. I saw his password earlier when I looked over his shoulder. I searched for Demi's contact and got her number. I guess they were still texting because her message came up.

D: "I dunno, Nick. I can't do this anymore."

"How pathetic." I said to myself.

    I saved it and put his phone back to his home screen to make it look like it hasn't been tampered with. When I heard him come back into the room, I pretended like I was on the bed trying to go to sleep. I was facing the opposite direction so he couldn't see the lack of effort on my face.

   He sat on the other side of the bed and continued texting his little tramp. I was really upset that he was still talking to this girl. I'm going to get rid of her and soon.

   I was sound asleep when I woke up to see that Nick was gone. I got up to look around to see where he was. I went downstairs to find him on the couch.

   He was asleep, but his phone had a picture of Demi and he looked like he was crying. I have to admit. I hate seeing him like that. I just adjusted the covers on him and kissed his forehead. I left him alone to go back upstairs and go back to sleep.

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