Chapter 31

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Demi's P.O.V

   Being that it was late, I decided to turn the TV off and go in my room. I took Batman and Ella upstairs with me.

"C'mon, kids. Time for bed."

Both followed behind me and I walked up the stairs to get into my bed.

Batman and Ella went to sleep at the drop of a hat. Poor babies. They must've been exhausted.

My phone buzzed and I looked down to see Kehlani's name across my screen.

Kehlani: Hey, babe. You okay?

Demi: Yeah, I'm okay. Just put the kids to sleep and I'm in bed.

Kehlani: Oh, sorry. Did I interrupt your sleep?

Demi: No, it's cool. I just got in.

Kehlani: Oh. Well, I was just checking on you.

Demi: Thnx, babe

Kehlani: Np 😊

Speaking to her made me feel good. We ended up face timing and fell asleep with each other on the phone.

   I passed out and woke up to my phone still on facetime. I saw that it was 9:14 a.m. I think kehlani woke up before me because I saw her smiling.

"What?" I asked smiling

Kehlani: "You're just so pretty. I can't help but stare."

"Oh, stop it. You're too nice."

Kehlani: "I mean it. I've never seen someone so gorgeous."

"You're so cute."

Kehlani: "I try." She said chuckling.

During the rest of the day, we continued to facetime. I had to charge my phone for the rest of the day. It seems everyday, we're growing closer.

"Hey, babe?"

Kehlani: "What's up?"

"My movie is finally finished, and it's coming to theaters on July 24th."

Kehlani: "That's great!"

"Thank you."

Kehlani: "You're welcome."

"I can't wait for people to see it."

Kehlani: "It'll be great. I can't wait to see it."

"Me either."

Kehlani: "We should see it together."

"Really? You sure."

Kehlani: "Yeah. When it comes out, everyone will see how great you were and how everything came together. I wanna enjoy it together."

"I would be happy to. The time of the premiere is gonna be announced the week before and I was wondering if you wanted to be my date for the night."

Kehlani: "I would love to."


Kehlani: "Anything for you."

Talking to her made me feel great. I'm falling heavy for this girl. She might be the one.

Selena's P.O.V.

I got up out of the bed after laying there for a couple minutes, staring at the ceiling.

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