Chapter 14

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Demi's P.O.V

Me and Nick are sitting on the couch while Selena's pacing the floor back and forth. She looked really upset and I don't blame her. I would be mad at me, too.

Selena: "So, how'd Nick get in here?"

"I let him in because he needed to talk to me."

Selena: "So, he came in while I was asleep? Demi, why are you still giving him the time of day?"

"Because, I can't just leave without resolving anything. Yeah, he might have treated me wrong, but I still care about him. Yes, it might be stupid, but I can't stop feeling a certain way about someone. It doesn't just turn off when I want it to. I don't want whatever this is to fester to the point where we can't stand being in the same room with each other."

Nick: "Selena, look. I made a decision to come over here on my own. She didn't have anything to do with me knocking on her front door. She and I were texting and she sent me a text talking about how she got over me and I came over and tried to get her to change her mind. It just pains me knowing what I did and knowing that I won't wake up to her laying next to me anymore. I'm so sorry to the both of you. I really am. I didn't mean for any of this to get out of hand. I swear."

Usually, I know that he lies in his apologies, but this time he seemed to mean it.

Selena: "You were kissing her when I went inside her room, you were kissing her, you jackass!"

Nick: "Hey, this is hard on me enough, okay?! I am constantly paying for what I did every damn day when I wake up and expect to see Demi laying in my bed, and turning over to have my disappointment fulfilled when I see that it's Olivia. I miss Demi. Seeing you two reminded me of what we used to be and it kills me inside all the time."

Demi: "I know, but I can't hurt Selena. I love her. She's what makes me happy. I care for you enough to help you get to your happiness, too. You can't destroy yourself like this."

Selena: "You guys shouldn't be texting each other behind my back anyways. You know the crazy thing? Neither of you considered how I felt. You guys never asked me if I felt bad about anything. I was kinda effected by this, too. You two shouldn't have to figure this out for too long. It's constant back and forth with the both of you."

She had a point. I never asked her if she was okay during this whole fight with Nick and I.

Obviously, she was upset, but I never asked her what she thought about any of this.

I felt like an even bigger bitch than usual.

I felt really selfish. I didn't consider her feelings.

Nick: "Look, I gotta go. Olivia's waiting on me and she's been texting me the whole time. I really don't want to hear her nag me all day."

Nick came up to me and hugged me. He went to hug Selena, but she stepped back and kept her arms crossed.

   Nick got the hint and continued towards the door and into his car. Seeing him pull out of the driveway made my heart break a little, but I'll get over it. This tension between us has to stop.

It seems like whenever we try to resolve our problem, something bad happens or one of us ends up screwing something up.


Olivia's P.O.V

I was watching television in the living room and I saw Nick come in through the door. He didn't look so happy.

"What's wrong babe?"

Nick: "Olivia, please. I just need some space. With all due respect."

"Did I do something wrong?"

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