Chapter 22

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Kehlani's P.O.V

I was getting ready for my date with Demi and it took me little to no time.

I just threw on anything that looked okay.

I just put on a red and white t shirt and black jeans and black and red Nikes.

I texted her to see if she was ready.

K: Hey, there. I'm gonna come and get you. Are you dressed?

D: Yeah. Come on 😁

K: Okay. Just tell me where you are and I'll come.

She told me her address and I was well on my way.

The drive was only 30 minutes away. Once I stopped at her door, she was standing outside. She looked really pretty.

Demi: "Hey. You look nice."

"Aww, thanks. You don't look so bad yourself."

Demi: "Thank you." She smiled at me and her pretty white teeth showed.

"You're welcome. Here, let me get the door for you."

I opened my car door and allowed her to get in.

Demi: "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

I closed her door and got in through my side of the car. I buckled my seat belt and started the car.

"Ready, Freddy?"

She giggled at my joke

Demi: "Yeah." She said smiling

"Okay, here we go."

I drove off and we were on the way to the nearest theatre.

On the way there, we got to know each other more.

"So, what's up with you?"

Demi: "Oh, nothing. Just enjoying the day with you already."

"That's good to hear."

Demi: "How about you?"

"Same. I know this is a weird question to ask on the first date, but, since when did you know that you were into chicks?"

Demi: "That is a weird question. Well, it's been a thing for a while. I just experimented one time and it stuck. And my ex, I've been into her since we were teens."

"Wow. That's interesting. For me, it's been a while, too. I just really like chicks. Dudes pretty nice, too."

Demi: "Yeah. Me, too. I have a thing for dudes."

We pulled into the parking lot of the theatre and I parked my car. We got out and I locked my doors.

"Shall we?"

Demi: "We shall."

She locked her arm into mine and we casually strolled into the theatre.

"What would you like to see?"

Demi: "We can see Avengers: Infinity War, if you want."

"Avengers it is."

We went to the ticket booth and got our tickets.

The concession stand is where we headed to order popcorn and chocolate bars along with drinks

Our tickets were checked and the service there was really good. The employees were really cheery.

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