Chapter 19

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Olivia's P.O.V

I had a nice night with Nick. We cuddled up with each other on couch and watched movies.

I woke up in the middle of the night and I couldn't sleep.

I tapped Nick to see if he was still awake.

"Nick. Baby, are you asleep?"

He was sound asleep, but he shifted in his sleep.

I saw that his phone was still open.

I saw his messages about Demi to his brother Joe and I still get sick of seeing them.

J: The best thing to do is to stay with Olivia. She can help you get over Demi. She's pretty cool. I like her for you. Demi is gone and you did it to yourself, bro. Just accept it.

N: I know, but Olivia is not the one for me. Something feels weird taking her back. I feel like there's something about her that might harm Demi. It's a bad feeling I'm getting. I can't get my mind off of Demi no matter how hard I try. I know I can't get her back and it's the most painful thing I've ever felt in a long time. How could I have been so stupid?"

J: Well, when she told me that you put your hands on her, and not in a loving or gentle way. That's what made me mad.

N: So, that's why you punched me in the face the other day and walked off?

J: Yes. You know mom raised us better than that. I love Demi and I never want anything bad to happen to her.

The text messages made me feel bad about manipulating Demi, but she's taking my man without even trying. Looking at the messages made me mad but pity Nick at the same time.

I turned his phone off and put it on the night stand.

I cuddled up closer and hugged him. He moved closer to me and went into a deeper sleep.


Nick's P.O.V

I woke up the next day and found Olivia's side of the bed made and empty.

I put on a t shirt and went down the stairs to see her with her head buried into her hands.

"Babe, are you okay?"

Olivia: "I'm not even sure anymore, Nick."

"Did I do something wrong?"

Olivia: "No, I did something wrong. At least that's what you think of me."

I started to get confused and stared at her with an eyebrow raised.

"I'm not following."

Olivia: "Well, allow me to guide you. I couldn't sleep last night and I probably woke up at 2 in the morning and I saw you sleeping with your phone still unlocked. I went to turn the screen off and put it on the charger, but something caught my eye. You were talking about how you still weren't over Demi and the fact that you had to turn to me to get over her. You said that I was starting to make you feel uneasy and that I might put Demi in harm's way. I don't like being talked about like that, Nick."

Hearing her talk like that made my heart drop. I can't blame her for just wanting love from me.

I've spent too much time trying to forget about Demi that it's starting to make me neglect Olivia.

"Babe, I'm sorry. I just get sudden paranoia that you might try to lie to her again or that you might hurt her. I can't let anything happen to her."

Olivia: "You didn't seem to care about her when you put your hands on her. That's what you and your brother talked about. I dont want you thinking about her when you're suppsoed to be showing me attention, Nick. It hurts me a lot to see you show someone else love instead of me. You always talk about how you care about her feelings. What about me, Nick? Huh? What about my feelings. This is what makes me act out so much and do the things that annoy you. I'm so sick and tired of hearing about this girl!"

"At least I know that I've messed up. You cause trouble every where you go. Why do you even worry about it so much more than me?!"

Olivia: "Because she makes me insecure!"

A huge amount of silence filled the room. I had no idea that's what she felt about Demi. She's right. All I do is talk about trying to get over Demi instead of actually showing her attention that she deserves. All we do is make out, have sex, and cuddle. I've never taken her on a classy date or anything that I've done for Demi. I felt terrible.

I went over to her and tried to hug her but she pulled away.

Olivia: "No, if you want a hug so much, why don't you go hug Demi. Maybe she can help you out."

I watched her grab her stuff and walk back over to me. She took the key she had to my house out of her pocket and place in my hand.

She opened the door and walked out. She had every right to leave. Every good thing I have is always ruined by my selfishness. How could I have been so careless?

I put on some shoes and walked out of the door to see her already get in the car. I ran up to it and knocked on the window.

She rolled it down and I saw tears falling down her cheeks.

"Olivia, I'm sorry."

Olivia: "That's what you always say, but don't mean."

"Please don't leave."

Olivia: "Why not? I can't stay with you, obviously. All you do is talk about Demi. I don't wanna be hurt anymore, Nick."

She pulled off, causing me to back away and watch her leave.

I felt like I was just kicked in the stomach. This is so messed up. She's gone due to my stupidity. Both women in my life are hurt because I couldn't fix my actions. I can't keep doing this.

I got into my car after getting dressed and drove to Joe's house to get both of them off my mind. It was a 30 minute drive that felt like it took ages to get there.

I showed up and saw Joe open the door. He had a concerned look on his face.

Joe: "Hey, bro. Everything okay?"

I stepped closed and embraced him. He slowly hugged me back, but then his grip got firmer. He patted me on the back and invited me in for a chat and a drink. Once I got in and sat down, I told him what happened with Demi and Olivia.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed it. I'm thinking about adding Joe and Khelani to the book. Let me know what you guys think. Bye 😜

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