Chapter 4

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Demi's P.O.V

The next day, I woke up feeling like crap. I didn't want to get out of bed. I felt like I was going to go crazy.

My body felt numb and my mind was racing with negative thoughts.

My phone rang and I turned to see that it was Selena. I could use some assurance right now. I picked up and spoke.

*On the phone*

D: "Hey, Selena. What's up?"

I guess she noticed that I was feeling a little upset by the tone of my voice.

S: "Hey. What's the matter? You sound upset."

D: "Can you just come over? I need your company. Wait, are you busy?"

S: "I'm never too busy for you."

D: "Thanks, Sel. How fast can you get here?"

S: "It's that urgent?"

D: "Yeah. Is that bad?"

S: "No, no. I'm on my way."

*end of the phone call*

I had to drag myself out of bed and jump in the shower.

When I finished, I dried and brushed my hair. I put on a black v neck and dark blue jeans.

I just threw on some socks. I didn't want to put on any shoes.

I sat on the living room couch and flipped through Netflix until I heard the doorbell ring.

I got up and went to the door. I opened it to see Nick.

Nick: "Can I come in?"

"What do you want, Nick?"

Nick: "I want to make it up to you. I'm a jerk. I know that. You can't just leave me, though. I'm deeply in love with you."

"Nick, just stop it!"

He came an inch closer to me and I stepped back.

Nick: "I know you still want me."

He came another inch closer and started unbuttoning his white button up shirt.

I looked at his chizzled abs and how they rippled down his body.

I started getting really hot and my pulse was racing.

"I have company coming over. Are you sure you want to do this?"

He stopped to look at me and then bit his lip. He looked at me like he didn't care.

We started making out heavily. He picked me up by two of my thighs and laid me down on the couch.

He kissed on my neck causing me to breathe heavily and quietly moan.

He started grinding against me and I could feel myself getting hotter by the minute.

Nick: "How long before your company gets here?"

I remembered I had Selena coming in a couple of minutes.

"Nick, stop. Look, we have to talk for a second."

He looked at me like he was disappointed in me.

"I don't know what possessed you to come over here, but you have to leave."

Nick: "Who's coming over?"

"Excuse me?"

Nick: "I didn't stutter. Who's coming over right now?"

"That's none of your business. We're not together anymore."

Nick: "You can never get rid of me. I own you. You can never escape me because you're emotionally attached to me and I control you. All I have to do is flash my abs and you're under my spell, Demi. Now come over here. You owe me."

I started getting a really bad feeling and he straddled me. I tried to fight him off of me, but it was no use.

"Nick, stop!"

He kept getting stronger and pinned me down. He tried unzipping my pants which made me uneasy.

He slapped me in the face and it made me weaker.

I heard the doorbell ring and remembered that Selena was supposed to come over.

"Nick, you have to go."

Nick: "Shut up. I'll leave when I feel like it. I'm gonna to get rid of your little company. It's distracting. You move one damn step and I'll break your neck."

Nick got up and quickly walked to the door to answer it for me. I tried to stop him, but it was too late.

He slapped me to the ground and yelled at me.

Nick: "Don't grab me, bitch!"

He went to open the door and Selena didn't look happy when she saw Nick standing there.

Selena: What are you doing here, Nick?"

Nick: "We're back together, Demi and I. We're making up right now. Care to join us?"

Selena punched him to the floor and ran over to me.

Selena: "Demi? Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

I didn't answer. All I could do is cry.

Selena: "Get in the car."

"Selena, please, don't do anything to him."

Selena: "Demi, just get in the car!"

"Fine." I sighed.

I got in her car and she went to the other side and got in.

Nick got up and looked like he was in pain. I guess Selena hurt him real bad.

Nick ran to his car and drove away. Selena got in the car and left. All I could do is cry my eyes out.

"Did you leave my door open?"

Selena: "No. I grabbed your keys and locked it." She said handing my keys back.

"What happened? What'd you do to him?"

Selena: "Don't worry about it."

"Where are we going?"

Selena: "My house."


Selena: "Nick has to get through me in order to hurt you."

"Won't he hurt you? I mean, he's twice your size."

Selena: "Size means nothing when your this angry. Plus, I'llcall the police."

Selena arrived at her house and we got out of the car.

We got into her house and we went to the living room. I sat down and she sat beside me.

Selena: "Are you okay?"

"I don't even know. I don't know what's gotten into him. He just came over unannounced. He overpowered me and I couldn't stop him."

Selena: "Shhh.... He can't hurt you anymore."

She caressed my face and leaned in to give me a hug. I actually felt safe in her arms. Whatever she does to Nick is between them. I just don't want Selena to get hurt.

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