Chapter 18

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Selena's P.O.V

It's been a day since Demi and I had made up. I wanna do something special for her tonight.

   I went into my room to wake her up. She was sleeping do peacefully. I didn't want to wake her, but, sadly I had to.

I went up to her and gently kissed her cheek.

"Demi, sweetie. Wake up."

Her eyes slowly opened and I saw a smile appear on her face.

Demi: "Hey."

"You had a nice nap?"

Demi: "Yeah. I didn't get much sleep last night and I was spending the entire day with you."

"Well, your day is going to get better. I'm taking you out for dinner."

Demi: "Really?"

"Yeah. Right now. Get ready. You wanna go to a nice restaurant?"

Demi: "Can we go to Red Lobster instead? I don't want you spending all of your money on me."

"I don't mind spending a lot of money on you, but if it's Red Lobster you want, then we'll go."

Demi: "Good. 'Cause, I have a craving for their cheddar biscuits." She said chuckling.

"Okay, well, go and quickly get dressed and we can get all the biscuits you want, okay?" I said smiling.

Demi: "Deal."

   I pecked her lips and I waited for her to dressed. Once we were both ready, we went out to the car. We drove to Red Lobster and the car ride was long, but silent. That is until Demi broke the silence.

Demi: "So, what'd you do while I was asleep?"

"I was gonna figure out how to end the night and make you happy."

Demi: "Is that so?" She said smiling.

"Yes. I wanna make sure you're happy. I love you."

Demi: "I love you, too."

   I ended up flashing a cheesy smile, causing her to laugh. I loved her laugh. It was adorable. She intertwined my hand into hers. One hand on the steering wheel and the other kissing mine.

   We pulled into the parking lot of Red Lobster and it wasn't too long before we got seated. We were placed in a booth in the corner near the window of the restaurant. As soon as we sat down, we looked at the menus right away.

I couldn't help but stare at her. I peeked at the top of the menu. She caught me and giggled to herself.

Once she looked back her menu, I peeked again.

Demi: "Stop staring at me, creep. Order your food." She said giggling.

I looked back down at my menu and saw the pasta. I used that as a quick excuse to look back at her again and took a fuller gaze.

"Well, now I know what I want." I said quickly closing the menu and setting it down.

I rested my head on my hand and stared a her with a huge smile on my face causing her to laugh once again.

Demi: "I know what I want, too."

"Good. Now, I can look at those beautiful brown eyes."

She blushed and put her head down.

   The waitor came to take our order and he was really nice. He was staring at his notepad until he looked up and recognized us. I guess you could say he was pretty starstruck.

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