Chapter 33

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Selena's P.O.V

      I woke up in my cozy bed and laid there for a while. I grabbed my phone and looked through my notifications. I Just scrolling through Instagram and watching my friends have fun.

I put my phone down and got out of bed.

I went into the kitchen to make some cereal.

I sat myself down in front of the television and watched Big Bang Theory.

This sudden urge to call Demi came over me and I didn't know what to do. I just called her to put my mind at ease.

The phone rang three times before she picked up.

S: "Hey. I was going crazy. I had to see if you were okay."

D: "Oh, my god. Selena. Hi. I'm so happy you're okay."

S: "I'm fine, babygirl. How's everything with you?"

D: "I'm fine. I just got out of bed."

S: "Good. Did you sleep okay?"

D: "I slept great. I'm planning on going somewhere later. Maybe I'll take a walk or something."

S: "Good. Clear your head. I'm gonna come back soon."

D: "Oh, thank goodness. When?"

S: "Soon. I promise. I just can't tell you when. Look, just know that I'll be fine and I'm coming back, alright?"

D: "Okay. Just don't surprise me. I can't handle surprises very well."

S: "No promises." I chuckled.

D: "Okay. I love you. Take it easy, okay?"

S: "I will. I love you, too."

*end of the phone call*

Hearing her voice seemed pretty relaxing.

I'm gonna come back with the best intentions. I don't want anymore drama and I don't want to have any bad blood between her and I.


Demi's P.O.V

      I just heard Selena's voice for the first time in days and I'm feeling at ease. She's okay, and I'm glad, but I want to see her so bad, and I feel like I'm betraying Kehlani because of it.

To shake the feeling, I just got up and decided to take a walk outside.

I just showered, threw on something comfy and grabbed Batman and Ella.

I grabbed Starbucks on the way and continued to walk my dogs

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I grabbed Starbucks on the way and continued to walk my dogs.

"Omg, Ella. You stopped at the same tree seven times." I say chuckling.

I get a text from Kehlani I'm an instant.

Keh: 'Waddup,girl?'

'Hey! What's goin' on babe?'

Keh: 'I just wanted to know what colour you're wearing to the premiere.'

'Red. Why?'

Keh: 'Just wanted to match my girl. If that's okay with you.😏'

'That's perfectly okay with me. U wearing a dress or a suit? 😊

Keh: 'U want me to wear a dress?'

'It's up to you.'

Keh: 'I'll wear a suit.'

'Awesome sauce. I can't wait.'

Keh: 'Me either. I can't wait to be your arm candy. :)'

'I know. You're gonna look so good. ;)'

Keh: 'Awww. Thanx, babe.'

'No problem.'

Keh: 'What r u up to anyway?'

'Taking the dogs for a walk.'

Keh: 'Awww. I miss the dogs.'

'They miss u 2'

Keh: 'Cute. :). I'll see you later?'


Keh: 'Ok. Have a good day, princess. 😘'

'You too 😙'

I wandered around for a few more moments until Ella and Batman finished their business.

I took a shortcut back to the house and settled back in.

After getting back into my house clothes, I turned on the television and started to think about the premiere.

I can't believe that it's three months away. I'm so excited. All my family and friends are gonna be there.

Let's hope Selena's gonna be back in time. I really want her there. There's this connection to her that I can't shake.

Don't get me wrong, I love Kehlani. My feelings run deep for this girl.

It's just that I've known Selena longer and we have a long history of friendship under our belts.

I have a strange feeling that something might happen the day of the premiere. I don't know what, but I just feel it.

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