Chapter 34

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Three months later

Demi's P.O.V

      Tonight is the premiere and I'm excited. I get to go with the love of my life. I'm wearing my favourite dress and the rest of my family should be here at any minute.

I was getting dressed and my mom was helping me with my hair.

The door bell rang and my stomach had butterflies in it.

Dianna: "I'll get it." She said putting the flat iron down.

I looked in the mirror to see how I looked so far.

I felt pretty good. I'm gonna have so much fun tonight.

The door opened downstairs and I heard Kehlani's voice downstairs.

Kehlani: "Where is she? Is she upstairs?"

Dianna: "Yeah. You wanna come up and look at her?"

Kehlani: "No, it's cool. I want it to be a surprise."

Dianna: "Okay. Good idea. She'll be ready in 5 minutes."

Kehlani: "Okay."

My mom came back to the room and finished up my hair.

In about 5 to 6 minutes, she was done.

I love the way I look.

Within a few minutes my sisters and my stepdad came in to see me.

Madison: "I can't wait to see her."

Dallas: "Me either. I bet mom made her look rad."

Dianna: "Indeed, I did make her look... rad." She said laughing

A bunch of laughter erupted and my mom called me to come downstairs.

Everyone was astonished by how I looked, but I was taken aback by Kehlani's suit. She looked great.


Kehlani's P.O.V

I sat on the couch and waited for my girl to come down and I was blown away.

She looks gorgeous

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She looks gorgeous. I almost passed out.

"You look awesome." Insaid with my mouth open.

Demi: "Me? You look fantastic." She said completely shocked.

"Hey, it's your day. You win." I said chuckling.

Dianna: "You both are breath taking." She said smiling.

We took a few pictures together and fraternized before leaving.

An hour later

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