Chapter 25

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Demi's P.O.V

I went into my room and hooked my phone up to my Bluetooth speaker. I went back to the living room. I opened my music app and motioned for Kehlani to cover her ears. She did as I wished and I proceeded to blast my music.

Everyone covered their ears in agony and quieted down. Once I turned it off, I began to speak.

"What is wrong with you guys?! You can't be in the same room without wanting to rip out each other's throats?"

All of them had a look of shame on their faces.

"I can't stand you guys. This is friggin nuts."

I started to pick them off one by one.

"Nick. You have been a pain in my ass since the day we started dating. You always abused me. Sure, it wasn't severe, but it was still abuse. You need to get your crap together. Selena, you have been my best friend and I understand that you fell for me in the process. I don't blame you, 'cause I did too. We can't keep going on and off like this. Just make up your mind, please, for the love of Christ. And Olivia. Yes, you. We have been feuding for a while, and now, you want to be friends with me? I can understand that. I don't know if you're being fake, but if you are, I suggest that you just tell me so I can stop wasting my time with you. It's really awkward being around you, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. Me and Nick are done. So, whatever you're thinking about doing to me in the long run, you can postpone it."

Everyone looked like they had something to say, but didn't know how.

"I've said what I had to say. Now, that everyone knows the truth, we don't have to cover anything up. I'm so sick of holding my tongue for you guys."

Within 15 seconds of silence Nick, Olivia, and Selena left. Kehlani was still sitting on the couch. I didn't hesitate to sit next her.

Kehlani: "Do you want me to leave? I don't wanna get in the way of you being upset."

She got up, but I grabbed her arm. I gently pulled her back down next to me. I didn't wanna be alone while I was upset.

"Please don't leave. I need you."

I laid my head on her shoulder and had tears come out of my eyes.

Kehlani: "Awww, don't cry. Baby, please don't cry."

She hugged me tightly while I let out all of my tears.

"I tried. I didn't want it to happen like that. I'm sorry you had to endure that. I feel so awkward."

Kehlani: "Awww. It's okay. No need to feel awkward. I don't think any less of you or your friends. I've seen worse happen."

"Are you sure? I mean, they're not always like that."

Kehlani: "I'm positive. Do you need anything?"

I let my head up from her shoulder to face her and talk.

I suddenly leaned in and kissed her.

Kehalni: "What are you doing?" She asked me softly.

"Stay the night." I bit my bottom lip.

I began kissing her neck as she continued to talk to me.

Kehlani: "Are you sure if that's what you want? I don't want to take advantage of you."

"I'm sure. Did I come off too strong? I'm sorry."

Kehlani: "It's cool. I'll stay if you want me to."

"Are you sure I'm not asking too much from you?"

Kehlani: "I promise. I need a change of scenery anyways." She said smiling.

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