Chapter 13

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Olivia's P.O.V

   It's been fun having Demi as a "friend" and all, but I still need a plan to get rid of her. I need to be strategic.

   I woke up next to Nick and I was in his warm embrace.

The sooner I get rid of that pathetic little Lovato, I can have this all the time if I wanted to.

I need to have some one help me out with this one, though.

Nick slowly opened up his eyes and looked over at me.

Nick: "Morning, babe. How'd you sleep?"

"I slept okay. It's actually the afternoon."

Nick: "It is?"

"Yeah. I just checked my phone. It's 1:47 p.m."

Nick: "Oh, man. So, I guess waffles and bacon are out of the question?"

"No, I would love some."

Nick: "Okay, cool. I'll hop in the shower and go make some."

"Okay. I'll be waiting"

I pecked his lips and watched him happily walk off to the bathroom.

His phone buzzed and I saw another text from Demi

I'm over you, Nick. I'm done.

It's about time. Finally.

   I sat on his room waiting for him to get out of the shower. I want our day to go as smooth as possible. I really don't want to fight with him over Demi, so, I'll just leave it alone.

Nick's P.O.V

   I was in the shower and just finished washing my hair.

   As I got out I, was thinking about Demi still. I know that it's wrong considering that I'm still with Olivia, but I can't help it.

I feel sick to my stomach to the way I've treated her. I'm paying for it in every way possible.

I got dressed and made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

I had forgotten my phone and went back upstairs to get it. Once I did, I asked Olivia if she's seen it.

Olivia: "It's on your nightstand."


I grabbed it and went back downstairs.

I went through my messages to see if Demi texted me. The last message I sent was

N: I miss you. I knew I treated you wrong. Just please forgive me.

D: I'm over you, Nick. I'm done.

   My heart ached to see that text from her. I'd never thought I see the day that she would move on.

   I had this lump in my throat and I had this small headache beginning to form in my head.

I just lost my appetite and went to sit on the couch.

Olivia came downstairs and noticed I looked a bit upset.

Olivia: "What's wrong, baby?"

"Nothing. I just have a bit of a headache. Can you make me some tea or something?"

Olivia: "Sure. Anything for you."

As she went to make it, I sat there and held back the urge to cry. I realised that what I had was gone. I'm stuck in an unhappy relationship with Olivia.

Yeah, the sex is great and I care for her, but I don't love her as much as I love Demi.

Once my tea was done, I sat there and drank it for a couple minutes and did some thinking.

Olivia: "Babe, I'm going to go see my mom. I'll be right back."

"Okay, see you later, baby."

She pecked my lips and headed out of the door.

I was left in the house with my thoughts and I did some thinking. I have to go see her.

When I finished my tea, I went over to Demi's house to see if I could get her back.

   It took 20 minutes to get over to her. Once I pulled into her drive way, I knocked on her door and waited for an answer. It took 30 seconds before someone could get to the door.

Once the door opened, I saw Demi look at me with a blank face.

"Can I come in?"

Demi: "I don't know. Can you?"

"Demi, I don't have time for your sarcasm today. Are you going to let me in, or not?"

Demi: "I would, but Selena is in the living room asleep on the couch. I just made up with her and I don't wanna lose her."

"Just let me talk to you for a couple seconds."

She looked back inside the living room and looked back to me.

Demi: "Okay, come in, but don't make any noise."


She led me in the house and went into her bedroom to talk. She closed the door behind her.

As I sat on the bed, she crossed her arms and looked at me.

Demi: "Okay. Hurry up and say what you have to say.  I don't want you and Selena fighting again."

I braced myself for rejection after I said what I said.

"I never expected you to move on so fast. After the text you sent me this afternoon, my heart broke into a million pieces. I realized what I did in the past was wrong and it's wreaking havoc on me really hard. I should've never put my hands on you or treated you the way I have for these last couple of years. I just don't want you to leave."

   She stood there in silence for 20 seconds. I was a little worried that she was going to say something that would break me.

Demi: "So, now you know what it feels like to have your heart broken every day with no remorse or any chances of it ever changing."

"Yes. It doesn't feel so good. Now that I know what it feels like, I feel really sorry. I still want you, but you chose Selena over me. I can't f*cking think straight and it kills me everyday!"

Demi: "You think this is easy for me, Nick? It isn't! You brought this on yourself. You can't keep doing this to me, Nick. I deserve to be happy. I love you with every inch of my body, but I can't keep running back to you! As much as I wanna kiss you right now, I can't because that would hurt Selena and I love her too much to do that to her!"

She started to get teary eyed and started crying. I got close to her until we were inches apart.

"Then, just kiss me. I know you want to. You can trust me. I'm not who I was when we separated. I promise."

I leaned in and kisses her lips. The kiss lasted for 30 seconds until she pulled away.

"Demi, just trust me. That's all I'm asking."

Demi: "Really? I should trust you? Right, because that worked out so great for me last time."

I pulled her into a kiss again. Footsteps came closer to the door and the door opened and there stood Selena. Broken hearted and about to cry.

Demi looked at her and tried to calm her down.

Demi: "Ooh! Selena. Babe. This isn't what you thought it was, okay? This isn't.... this. I promise!"

Selena: "Both of you get downstairs so we can straighten this out right now. I'm sick of this bullsh*t!"

We both looked at each other and made our way downstairs to prepare for whatever Selena had to say.

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