Yandere!Reaper!Sans x Undead!Female!Reader

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Since nobody requested,I decided to come up with an idea,and......I got this :3

If you don't know what undead means,then this is the definition:

Technically dead but still animate (basically your dead,but your somehow acting as if your alive)

Anyways,on to the one-shot!

[in Undertale,the original au]

The surface

Your pov

It's been a year.A year since I was supposed to be taken away by the god of death.I was stabbed in the chest 5 times by a guy in an alleyway.I was supposed to die,but I guess my determination was so strong that it kept me alive.Now when I look at my soul,it's a faded (insert soul color here).When my family heard the news that I was undead,they we're suprised at first,but got over it and we're extremely happy.Thing is though,I now feel like I'm being watched where ever I go.I ignore it though,cause I don't want anything else to happen to me.I get up from my bed and open my bedroom door,then walk out of my room and walk downstairs to the living room,where I see my dad,my older brother,and my little sister."Hey dad,where's mom?",I said."She in the kitchen y/n",he said.I nodded and said thanks,then walked to the kitchen,where I saw mom making herself something.I tapped her shoulder and she looked at me."Oh hey y/n,do you need anything?",she said.I don't even need to sleep,eat,or drink water anymore,but I still do so I'll look like a normal living human being.I said:"yeah,when are you gonna cook dinner?".She said:"After I'm done eating my snack".I nodded and walked back to the living room.I sat down next to my little sister abby."Hey sis,when's mom making dinner?",she said.I told her that she'll make dinner after she's done eating her snack.She smiled.My dad turned on the tv and we began watching cartoons.

/10 minutes later/

Mom's pov

After eating my snack,I put the bowl in the sink and got out the giant pot and filled it with water,then put it on the stove and turned it on,waiting for the water to boil so I can pour in the those macaroni things (Yep,I'm making macaroni and cheese!).I grabbed three boxes of macaroni and cheese and put them on the kitchen counter,then waited for the water to boil.

Marcus's (the older brother) and Abby's pov

Man,I can't wait for dinner.It sounds like mom's started making it already.I wonder what we're having tonight.

/15 minutes later/

Mom's pov

I heard the water boiling (finally).I grabbed a box of macaroni and opened it,then took out the little cheese packet and put it down on the kitchen counter,then poured the pasta in the pot.I did the same thing with the other two boxes.After that,I grabbed a bid wooden spoon and stirred when the water started rising too high.

Reaper!Sans pov

I was watching my love through a window.Her and the others didn't see me,thank goodness.Y/n was interacting with her family.I sighed happily,thinking about having a family of our own.When I first met her,I was supposed to reap her soul and take her to the afterlife,but before I could,she somehow got up and ran away.I was shocked.I was gonna go after her,but something made me stay put.Its like deep down,I didn't wanna reap her soul.I didn't know why at first,until I started stalking her and her family,that I realized that I loved her.Its weird,I fell in love with a human.As far as I know,thats never happened to a god/goddess before.Oh well,it's not like I'm gonna get punished for it.Suddenly,a flashback appeared in my vision:

A year ago,in an alleyway:

I was floating around in the city,looking for souls that needed to be reaped,until I heard a blood-churdling scream come from an alleyway.When I floated in the alleyway,I didn't see the murderer,but I saw a human girl,lying down on the ground in a pool of  her own blood.She had h/l h/c hair,e/c eyes,s/t skin,and was short/tall.I grabbed my scythe and floated towards her."Sorry",I muttered under my breath.Before I could reap her soul,she said:"n-no,please don't!".I said:"unfortunately lady,it's my job".I was practically an inch away from her when she got up and ran out of the alleyway.I was shocked.i strapped my scythe back on.I had questions going through my mind,like:"how? why?".I quickly realized that,she's now undead,which very rarely happens.Usually whenever a person dies,and I have to reap their soul,they don't fight back,so it makes my job easy.I sighed.I was gonna chase after her but for some reason I didn't.Deep down,I was feeling something that I couldn't explain.After about 2 weeks,I started stalking her and her family.

It was the event of what happened a year ago.I started calling the event:"the refusal of death".I decided that after she ate dinner and went to her room,I would wait until her parents and her siblings ate their dinner,then I would kill them.I'd give them a quick and painful death.I opened a portal for back home,then jumped through it,ending up in my room.I sat down on my bed,waiting for the time to pass by so I can put my plan into action.

/30 minutes later/

Your pov

Me,my siblings,and my parents we're all sitting at the dining table,eating macaroni and cheese.I gotta be honest,it's the best thing I've had all day.Since I really liked it,I finished it before anybody else.I got up and put my dirty bowl in the sink."Hey y/n,where are you going?",I heard mom shout from the dining room.I shouted back:"to my room".I got no reply.I walked over to my bedroom door.I opened it,walked inside,closed the door,and started looking for a book to read.Wheni found it,I sat down on my bed and started reading it.

Abby's pov

After me and the others finished our dinner and put our dirty bowls in the sink,we started walking towards the living room when the lights randomly shut off on there own.I was scared.I felt a chill go down my spine."What's going on?!",Marcus,mom,and dad said.We heard a voice that was a little deeper than my dads say:"oh,well......you guys are gonna die~!".After the mysterious voice said that,I felt something go through my neck.I fell on the wooden floor,coughing up blood,then seeing everything turning black.

Third persons pov

After reaper killed y/n's sister,brother,mom,and dad,he floated to the darkest corner in the living room,waiting for y/n to walk on so he can surprise her.

Your pov

I heard screaming,then silence.I was scared at first,then thought:"fuck it,I'm gonna check out what's going on".I put my book down,got up and walked towards my bedroom door,opened it,and walked towards the living room,where I assumed the screaming came from.It was dark,except for the bit of sunlight shining through the blinds.I walked further,until I felt something wrap around my waist and pull me towards them."Oh hello y/n,guess who it is~".My eyes shrinked to the size of an atom when I realized who it was.It was the god of death.I was confused.Why are his arms wrapped around my waist? Why is he here? What did he do? Why is he speaking to me in a seductive tone?."W-Why are you h-here?",I said."Because I came here to claim what is mine",he chuckled."W-What do you m-mean?",I said."I am talking about you y/n,your mine and mine only,my sweet angel~",he said.He kissed my cheek."So......what did you do?",I said."Well.....I killed your siblings and your parents".I gasped."W-Why?!",i said."Because y/n,they we're in the way of our love~".I growled and pushed him off of me,then slapped him,hard.I saw one of his eyes glow blue and he slapped me back,but even harder."Don't you dare try to disobey me!".I didn't say anything.His eye stopped glowing blue and I saw those white pinpricks (or whatever you call them) appear in his eye sockets.He turned on a light switch,and the light came on.I saw my siblings and my parents dead body.I started crying a waterfall.I felt him wrap his arms around my waist again and whispering soothing words in my ear,trying to calm down.I calmed down,but I was angry at him.I will never forgive him for this.He turned me around,so I would face him."I love you,my sweet angel~",he said.He kissed me.I didn't kiss back.He pulled away after a couple minutes and sighed."You will love me,wether you like it or not",he said.I sighed and didn't say anything.I gave him a death stare.He chuckled and let me go,then opened a portal.He grabbed my hand and dragged me through the portal with him.I started to wonder where we're going and what my life will be like from now on.

A/n:There you go guys!

A long one-shot.I hope you enjoyed.Have a nice day,or goodnight.

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