Female!Yandere!Nightmare!Sans x Male!Reader x Female!Yandere!Dream!Sans

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Before we get started,here are some pics of what they'll look like:

Before we get started,here are some pics of what they'll look like:

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(They will be human but they're still a sans)

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(They will be human but they're still a sans)

{in the past}

DreamTale *before dream and nightmare had their own sides*

Dream!Sans pov

Me and my sister we're talking about stuff,when she said:"will we ever fight?".I said:"nope,Atleast I hope not",I said,muttering the last part.

Here's the thing:Our people like me,alot,because I represent positivity.Meanwhile,they hate my sister nightmare becahse she represents negativity.

Stuff happened and........well she became what she is today (Me:wow your so great at telling story's

Dream:shut up ;-;)

{present day}


Time:July 22,2018

(on dreams side)

Dream!Sans pov

I was running and skipping in my field of golden flowers,when I heard some people talking.I looked to my right,where there was the tree that separated the light and dark side.On the dark side,my sister nightmare was talking to her crew members.I decided to spy on them and see what info i can get so that I can tell the Star Sanses.

Nightmare!Sans pov

"Ok guys,so i'm gonna go on a mission,except you won't come this time,but only if I absolutely need you,got it?",I told them.We all kept talking for a little bit until I opened a portal to underswap,waved goodbye to my crew members,then jumped through the portal.

Dream!Sans pov

I was writing everything my sister said down on a notepad with a pencil (Dream:don't ask where I got those)."This could be useful,but I will have to show ink and blue and see what they think",I said to myself.I put the notepad and pencil in one of my pant pockets.Suddenly,I heard one of the crew members speak to me."HeY YoU!",error said (Me:ok so the ones that are human are the star sanses and the villain mob).I looked up at her."What?",I asked her."I feLt LiKe SoMeOnE WaS SpYiNg On Us.......We'Re YoU SpYiN'?",Error asked me.I lied,saying:"no".She hesitated for a moment,then said:"ALriGht,iF YoU SaY So".The 4 girl's teleported somewhere,probably to my sisters castle.

Yandere Sans/Frisk/Chara/Betty One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now