Yandere!Hunter!Cross x Wolf!Reader

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Author Chan is back with another one-shot :D

(Reader will be female)

Umm........I got nothing else to say XD


[in a cabin]

March 12,2020

Hunter!Cross!Sans pov

I was in my room reading a book on fishing when someone burst open my door."Cross,come on,we're going hunting!",I heard a mysterious voice say.I looked up and saw horror!sans."Alright,just let me grab my gun and everything else that I'll need",I said.Horror nodded and walked out of my room.I put the book down on my bed and got up,then walked out of my room,closing my bedroom door behind me.I went to the trophy room,where mine and everyone else's guns and stuff are.I saw mine and grabbed it.I cleaned it up and got a bag filled with stuff I'll need for hunting.After I finished doing all that,I looked around the trophy room.I saw plaques with dead animal heads on them.There we're deers,tigers,lions,and more,except for  a wolf head.I walked to the living room,where the other guys we're."So,what are we hunting for exactly?",I asked.Horror answered:"a wolf!".I nodded,showing him that I understand.Dust walked to the front door and opened it,walking outside afterwards.Me,horror,killer,error,and nightmare followed him.All five of us started walking forward to the forest.I thought to myself:"this is gonna be fun!".

[in the forest]

Your pov

I was eating a pig that I killed because I was hungry.First,I ate it's limbs,then it's eyes,nose,tail,ears,and finally,internal organs.After I finished eating,I was full,I couldn't eat another bite.i backed up a little bit,seeing blood everywhere and the bones that we're inside the pigs body.My ears suddenly perked up and my instinct forced me to run behind a bush and hide there.I did and looked through a small hole in the bush.I saw a group of five hunters.They we're all men.I realized something:

It's hunting season........

Which means that during this time,hunters will always be in the forest,hunting for animals of various species.My anxiety kicked in and I started taking a deep breath.I was shaking and my tail was wagging ferociously.My ears we're still perked up and didn't wanna droop back down.I had to put my lap over my mouth so I couldn't be heard."Ok Guys,let's split up.We'll be going around the forest individually and meeting back in the middle when one of us has found a wolf,alright?",one of the guys said.The other 4 said ok and walked away,including the leader.I ran away,hoping that I would find my friends and tell them the bad news before it's too late.

~2 hours later~

Hunter!Cross!Sans pov

It's been two fucking hours and I haven't found shit!

I was mentally screaming cause of how frustrated I was.I need to find something soon,cause last time I looked at the sky,it was getting a bit dark.I was walking at a fast pace when I saw a pack of wolves in the distance.There seemed to be about five wolfs.I hid behind a tree and looked at the group.I was watching them now,listening to their conversation so that I can learn more about them.Three of the wolfs we're male and two of them we're female.I looked at one of the females,she has f/c fur and e/c eyes.She has a shy,but kind and determined personality.I gotta admit,she looks adorab-no! cross! what the fuck are you thinking?! your here to kill a wolf,not fall in love with one! I sighed.I put down the gun I aimed at her head.Something deep down didn't want me to kill her.Why would anyone kill a beauty like that anyway? I looked at the other female,which must be her friend.I wasn't worried about her,so I decided to spare her.I looked at the three male wolfs and growled.I can tell that one of them is in love with her.I grabbed my giant ass knife and was about to get up when I heard a voice in my head say:

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