Yandere!Classic!Sans x Classic!Niks

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Oh yes

What we've all been waiting for

*Dabs because I can do what I fucking want*

Let's get started

[in Undertale,the original au]

The surface


Time:1:30 pm

Third person pov

So apparently,some of the monsters from underfell are here in the original au.Before you ask questions,here's a story explaining how:

One day,in underfell,everyone was being their normal selves in the underground.They we're in the pacifist route,but that was only because of a human named frisk,and a flower.Flowey helped her (frisk,and yes,frisk will be a girl) when she was walking throughout the underground.One day,frisk was sitting underneath a tree with flowey next to her.She was talking to him when this x looking guy (cross!sans) and this ghost boy (Cross!chara) came into the au with the help of mr.squid (nightmare!sans).After a huge battle,cross!sans and his companion won and they took the code.Somehow,the only ones that survived we're underfell!frisk,underfell!flowey,underfell!sans,and underfell!papyrus.When Ink had quickly brought them to the original au,Undertale (which is in a pacifist route currently),he explained to classic!sans that the core code of underfell was taken but that he managed to save a few people.The people that have survived have been there ever since.

[in the doodles sphere]

Ink!Sans pov

I drank this blue liquid from the blue vial I had.I have many more that represent each emotion.When I drank the blue liquid,I felt sad.

I'm very sad that underfell is gone

I should die........

[in Undertale,the original au]

The surface

The classic skelebros house

Classic!Sans pov

Right now,me and my friends are at me and my bros new house.It looks nice.I'm suprised that the people who lived here before us (who we're human by the way) sold it to us without hesitation or arguement.We're in the living room,where we have two couches.On the first couch,the people sitting there are me,niks,and fell.On the second couch,the people sitting there are Fell!Frisk,Fell!Flowey,and Fell!Papyrus.Oh,your probably wondering:"where did Niks come from?".Well,apparently.........actually let's just say that she lived here before the monsters came back to the surface and before Ink brought some survivors from a huge battle in underfell here.Shes friends with everyone,though I wish she was more than friends with me.I can tell edgy me wants that too.One time,everybody was in a movie theater.I was sitting on the left side of Niks,and Fell was sitting on the right side of Niks.I was holding her hand,while apparently,fell held her other hand.I don't know how she didn't notice this,but when I looked at fell and he looked at me,we practically growled and wanted to snap each others necks right then and there,but we couldn't.

Fell!Sans pov

I know that other me wants her.I know that he wants her to be his and only his,but I cannot let that happen.I love her too.I've loved her since the first time I met her,so has Classic.Tonight,I'm gonna confess.

Classic!Niks pov

For a while,I've been noticing some.....tension between them.I haven't said anything because really,it's none of my business.Its probably just guy stuff.I was twirling the part of my hair that was partly pink because I was bored."Hey Classic,I'm gonna go home".He said:"ok ba-I mean Niks,see ya later pinky".I mentally sighed.Did he really have to call me that just because I wear a pink and purple striped sweater and have a little bit of my hair colored pink?.Once I walked out of the house and started walking towards my house,I saw a few women carrying baby's and walking their kids somewhere.To be honest,I've always wanted a kid,but the thing is.........

I can't get physically pregnant (is that right?)

But I was thinking.If I can't get physically pregnant,can I get magically pregnate? (Like for example:combining souls or taking an egg cell from the female and some semen from the male and putting them into a giant tube which would combine the two special cells which would of course make a baby that would look like a combination of their parents)

When I got home,I went straight to my room and started imagining the possibility's.Also,do I even love anyone? Does anyone even love me? Heck if I know.

~9 hours and 30 minutes later~

Time:10:30 pm

Fell!Sans pov

I was in the city,finding a way out because I was going to Niks house.I'm pretty damn sure that she's up right now,so I'm confessing to her.All of a sudden,I get dragged into an alleyway and pinned to the wall.The person who did that was classic."Dude,what the fuck do you think your doing?",I asked him.He said:"just getting something out of the way".I said:"what do you mean?".He said:"we both love Niks,but she can't choose both of us,and since I love her and I'm willing to do anything for her,I'm gonna kill you".I gasped."Are you fucking kidding me classic? can't we work this out?",i said.He said:"nope can do buddy".He started beating me up and tearing me apart.He made a really big crack appear around my right "eye",blood practically fly everywhere,and more.

[at Niks House]

Classic!Niks pov

I was sketching different versions of me.I wonder if I'm the only Niks in the original multiverse.I suddenly decided to check up on classic,so I put my sketchbook down and put my hoodie on,though I didn't zip it up,then I put on my shoes.After that,I walked out of my room,went downstairs,opened the front door and walked out,locked it again,and walked away from my house,going towards the city.

~5 minutes later~

Time:10:35 pm

[at the city]

Once I was at the city,I starting look left and right,until I heard screaming and things being thrown from an alleyway.I looked to my right and saw an alleyway across the street.I quickly walked across the street and went into the alleyway.I saw this:

(Made by the one and only,niks)

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(Made by the one and only,niks)

"CLASSIC,WHAT THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING TO FELL?!",i said.He stopped beating up felland looked at me."I-It's not what it looks like n-niks!",he said.I rolled my eyes."ITS EXACTLY WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE! NOW TELL ME WHATS GOING ON",i said.He sighed and said:"the reason I'm doing this to Fell is because I love you.I always have and I always will.In fact,fell loves you too,but I can't let him take you away from me because you have to be with me.You have no choice Niks,you will love me,like how I love you".I said:"please let Fell go,he's already been put through enough,and I'm suprised he hasn't turned to dust yet".He said:"nope,sorry not sorry sweetie~".He summoned a bone,grabbed fells soul,and stabbed his soul with the bone.Once the soul cracked,fell turned to dust.I fell to the ground on my knees and started crying.

Classic!Sans pov

I got on my knees and hugged Niks.I hated seeing her sad."Hey,Atleast there's nothing in our way now.We will love eachother.......

Forever and ever".

A/n:there we go.next requests are:

1)Yandere!Frisk x Betty Part 2

2)Yandere Jammy Hood Ink x Female!Wolf!Reader *this'll include a lemon*

Yandere Sans/Frisk/Chara/Betty One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now