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Yep,he's definitely a wolf)
(This will take place in little jammy hood)
(The reader will be female)
[in a forest]
Riverton village (I'm calling it that)
Your pov
I'm sitting down next to my best friend,samantha (sam for short).We we're talking about the adventures we've had,like the one where we fought against a bunch of humans (they we're trying to kill us in the first place),the one where we teamed up with some goats and defeated a pack of tigers,and the one where we babysat jammy (aka pj or paperjam)."Hey y/n,have you heard about the other pack?",sam said.I nodded and wagged my tail,and raised one of my ears up a bit."Yeah,why do you ask?",i said."Well,I've been hearing rumors from the guys saying that the other pack is gonna attack our village!".I whimpered."W-Why?!",i said.She lowered her head."I don't know,maybe there's some conflict going on between our chief and the other packs chief",she said.I was definitely scared now.I lowered my ears,my tail stopped wagging,and my ears dropped."Maybe we can offer them peace by giving them some food and weapons?",i said."Maybe,just maybe",she said.We got up on all fours (though we occasionally walk on two legs) and walked towards the group of girls (which are their friends).
[in the other pack]
Green hill village (I'm calling it that)
Wolf!Nightmare!Sans pov
I heard our chief (who's name is red) say:"we are going to attack the other pack,starting at sunset".Some cheered,while others whimpered.I was shocked,and didn't really know what to say,so I just kept my mouth shut.I put my paw on my forehead and thought:"god these other wolfs are so stupid!".I put my paw back down and walked towards the chief.My tail was wagging and my tentacles we're wiggling(?).I was curious and questioned the chiefs actions."Chief red,why are you doing this?",I asked him.He looked at me,gave me a death stare,and said:"I'm not telling you.i'm not telling anybody anything".I walked away growing and mumbling bad words under my breath.I prevented my tentacles from thrashing around and walked into my hut.Red is cool and all,but he can be really stupid sometimes.
[back in riverton village]
Your pov
After talking to my friends,I started walking back to my hut.Once i got there,I brushed my fur with my paw and layed down on my bed.I was so tired.I feel asleep,hoping that nobody I love or care about dies.
~le timeskip to sunset~
[at greenhill village]
Wolf!Nightmare!Sans pov
"Alright everyone,gather your weapons!",chief red said.I was hiding in a big group of wolfs.I was too lazy to get a weapon."Ready? Well let's go!",he said.I ran ahead of everyone else.My tentacles we're thrashing around,my tail was wagging ferociously,and my ears we're fully up,not half way or drooping.I was ready for this.
[at riverton village]
Your pov
I woke up hearing crying,screaming,people getting beat up and stabbed,and more.I ran out of my hut and started running towards samantha when I heard a scream come from behind me.I looked behind me and what I saw made my tail go up.It also made my ears stand up and the pupils in my eyes become so small.A black wolf (not being racist here) with one blue eye,black fur,black clothes,and tentacles.He was strangling sam."Hey you there! Leave my friend alone.....OR ELSE".
Wolf!Nightmare!Sans pov
I was strangling a random wolf girl when I heard someone say:"hey you there! leave my friend alone.....OR ELSE".I dropped the girl and looked to where the sound came from and saw another wolf girl.She had f/c fur and e/c eyes.She looked absolutely beautiful."Hey there~",I walked towards her.
Your pov
He noticed me."Hey there~",he said.He started walking toward me.I looked the opposite direction,got into a running position,and ran sanic speed ( XD ) while dodging the tentacles.
~a few hours later~
It was completely dark now.Everybody is probably asleep now.I was hiding behind a tree."Oh y/n,where are you~?",I heard him say.Wait,how does he know my name?!.I shrugged and kept quiet.Suddenly,the tree behind me got ripped out of the ground and thrown somewhere."O found you my dear~",he said.I looked at him and said:"I'm not gonna surrender to you! I'm not gonna love you!",i said."We'll see about that",he said.I ran towards him,and he ran towards me.We started fighting with all our strength.
Third person pov
The fight was intense.They scratched eachother,they bit eachother,they threw things at eachother,you name it.There was blood on the grass.Y/n was tired.She had her tounge out (gods cant sweat,I think).She was on the verge of giving up.
Your pov
I had cuts,scratches,and bruises all over me.My legs and arms we're sore.I couldn't move."Looks like I won!",nightmare said (he told me his name).He wrapped his fluffy tail around both of my legs and his tentacles around my waist and arms,then started walking away,dragging me with him.I called for help......
But nobody came
I started crying.He apparently noticed immeadiatly and said:"stop crying.this will be easier if you love me,that way I don't have to force you to do anything".
~15 minutes later~
A cave
Nightmare found a random cave.Once we stopped here,He unwrapped his tail and tentacles and backed up a bit so I could get up."Thos is where we're gonna live and raise our family",he said."What,we're gonna have a family of our own?",i said."Yup,so we'll be having pups",he said.I growled."H E L L N O",i said.He pinned me to the cave wall."Too bad~",he said.He then proceeded to rape me.If I screamed for help,he would scratch my forehead.
Wolf!Nightmare!Sans pov
This nice pretty looking wolf is mine!
[in a cabin]
Little Jammy Hood's pov
I was outside picking berries from bushes until my mom told me to come inside.I did and walked inside with a basket full of berries.My mom grabbed the berries and said:"it's dark out,so go to bed please",mommy said.I sighed,nodded,and walked to my room.After I got ready,I layed down on my bed and fell asleep.I can't wait to see that awesome wolf that looks like he's dressed up as a dude in the 90's.
A/n:there you go! Here are the next requests:
1)Yandere!Hunter!Cross x Wolf!Reader
2)Yandere!WereWolf!Cross x Red Riding Hood!Reader
3)Yandere!Wonder x Wonder (don't ask,it was X-CrossChara-X 's idea)
4)Yandere!Frisk x Betty (I've decided to include Betty in this one shot book)
5)Yandere!Classic!Sans x Classic!Niks ( NIKS_Official )