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This is what the female version of them looks like
Anyways,are you ready?!
*everyone nods*
Then lets go-
[in the original multiverse]
Third person pov
One day(?) on ink's side of the void *or antivoid*
[at inks side]
Female!Ink!Sans pov
"Error! You gotta stop stealing fell's chocolate!",I told her."WhY? It'S FuNNy SeeiNg HiS ReAcTiOn!",she said.I facepalmed and said:"well I've been watching him for a bit,and I heard him at one point say that someone keeps stealing his chocolate and that they need to stop or he is going to kick their ass and rip them to pieces".She laughed when I said that."ArE YoU FuCkiNg SeRiOuS? ThAt EdGy McAssHoLe Is So WeAk,ThAt EvEn KiLLeR CoULd KiLL HiM,AnD He'S BLiNd!",she said.I gotta admit,she kinda has a point there.Error sighed and said:"WhAtEvEr,I'm JuSt GoNNa Go CooL Off SoMeWhErE CaUsE ThiS ARgUeMeNt Is JuSt GeTTiNg Too FuCkiNg ReDiCoULoUs AnD StUpiD".Her hands flashed blue and she snapped her fingers,opening a portal.I saw her get in,which made the portal close behind her.I walked away and sat under a tree I made with my giant paintbrush.I decided not to follow her,cause I feel like I'll just make things worse.
[in undergender *or whatever the au is actually called*]
Female!Error!Sans pov
OnCe ThE PoRtAL OpEnEd,I StEppEd OuT,WhiCh MaDe ThE PoRtAL CLoSe BeHiNd Me.I LooKeD ArOuNd AnD SaW ThAt I WaS On ThE SuRfAcE Of UnDeRGeNdEr,WhERe ThE OriGiNaL UnDeRtALe ChArAcTeRs HaVe SwiTcHeD GeNdErS.EvErYoNe WaS OuT AnD AbOuT,DoiNg ThEiR OwN ThiNg.I CaN'T BeLiEvE ThAt RaiNbOw PiECe Of CrAp CrEaTeD ThiS Au! I MeAn,WhY?.I SiGhEd AnD DeCiDeD NoT To DeStRoY It.I WaLkEd AcRoSS ThE StReeT AnD ThEn WaLkEd FoRwArD On The SiDeWaLk.I WaS MoStLy LooKiNg DoWn,NoT EvEn BoThEriNg To PaY AttEnTiOn To My SuRRoUnDiNgs,WhEn I BuMPeD InTo SoMeOne.I FeLL On My BoNy BuTT AnD So DiD ThE PeRsOn I BuMPED InTo."I-I'm so sorry m'am! Want me to help you get up?",A DeeP MaLe VoiCe SaiD.I SaiD:"SuRe",AnD He HeLpEd Me GeT Up.We LooKeD At EaChOtHeR FOr A MiNuTe UnTiL He SaiD:"i'm y/n,who are you?".I SaiD:"I'm ErrOr".He SmiLeD."Wait a minute,are you another version of sans?",Y/n AsKeD Me.I SaiD YeS."M'am,what exactly do you do?",He AsKeD Me.I BLuShEd YeLLoW.I MeAn,LooK At HiM,He'S HaNdSoMe FoR A HuMaN BeiNg! He HaS H/l H/c HaiR,E/c EyEs,S/t SkiN,WeArS A F/c ShiRt/HooDiE,AnD Is ReALLy NiCe.WhAt KiNdA GiRL WoULd NoT FaLL In loVe WiTh ThiS GuY?
OnLy A GiRL WhO WoULd TaKe HiM AwAy FrOm Me........
WaiT,DiD A VoiCe JuSt SaY ThAt?
I MeAn,Am I SeRiOuSLy FaLLiNg In LoVe WiTh Y/n ALrEaDy?
I GuEss So
I OccAsiOnLy See SoMe GiRLs LooKiNg At HiM.I GrOwLeD,BuT NoT EnOuGh To HaVe Y/n HeAr Me."Error,I asked you what exactly do you do",Y/n SaiD.My MiNd FoCuSeD On HiM AgAiN.I ReALiZeD WhAt ThE QuEsTiOn WaS.I WaS ScArEd ThAt Y/n WoULd NoT LiKe Me,So i SaiD:"I ExPLoRe DiFFeReNt Au'S".He SmiLeD.
EvErYtiMe He SmiLeS,It MaKeS Me BLuSh
EvErYtiMe He SpEaKs,HiS DeeP AnGeLiC VoiCe MaKeS Me WeT *if you know what I mean~*
EvErYtiMe He DoEs...........MaKeS Me SmiLE
WhiCh MaKeS Me ReALiZe...........
He Is MiNe
A N D O N L Y M I N E!
Third person pov
Oh no,looks like things are about to turn for the worst for y/n
-A Couple Hours Later-
[At errors side]
Female!Error!Sans pov
EvEr SiNcE I WeNt HoMe,I'Ve BeeN WaTcHiNg Y/n.He Is So HaNdSoMe And KiNd,AnD He Is MiNe."Hey error,what 'cha doing?",I HeArD A VoiCe SaY BeHiNd Me.I PaNiCkEd AnD TrYeD HiDiNg WhAt I WaS LooKiNg At."Error,it's me,ink".I SaiD:"Oh,Ok".ShE SaiD:"Wait a minute,we're you stalking some guy?".I BLuShEd In EmBaRRaSSmEnT."Y-YeS,BuT So WhAt?".ShE GiGGLeD AnD PuShEd Me OuT Of ThE WaY So ShE CoULd See."Oh wow,he looks so cute! What's his name?",InK AsKeD Me.I SaiD:"Y/n".She CommEnTed SaYiNg ThAt HiS NaMe WaS AdORaBLe.
-A Couple Hours(?) Later,Again-
Third person pov
Suddenly,error and ink start fighting over y/n,saying "he's mine!" or "no,he's mine" etc etc.
Female!Ink!Sans pov
The fight got so bad to the point where we started fighting physically."Hey wait,what if we shared him?",I suggested.She (error) said:"FiNe".I SqUeALeD In HaPPiNeSS!
Female!Ink!Sans and Female!Error!Sans pov
H e b e l o n g s t o u s n o w~!
Third person pov
After the two magical skeleton girls agreed to share y/n,they went to his au and killed some people,then grabbed y/n,introduced eachother,and well.........you probably know what else.
The end
Now for the next requests:
1)Female!Yandere!Nightmare!Sans x Male!Reader x Female!Yandere!Dream!Sans
2)Yandere!UnderLust!Sans x SexSlave!Betty
3)Yandere!Reaper!Sans x Undead!Female!Reader x Geno