Yandere!Error!Sans x Female!Reader x Yandere!Nightmare!Sans

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Before I start the oneshot,I'll give you a short description of where this'll take place:

In this au,the Sanses and Papyrus's will be in highschool.Here's the kicker though:The Sanses are the students,while the Papyrus's are the staff.This means they aren't related to eachother,but there will absolutely be NO sans x papyrus.The Sanses will be in various different grades and be different ages.The Papyrus's will also be different ages.Here's one more thing:Not all Sanses have a Papyrus.

Do you understand?


Good,then let's get started!

[Date:May 13,2019

Day Of The Week:Monday

Time:8:05 am]

Your Pov

Suddenly,I heard my alarm clock on my phone ringing.I fully woke up,groaning cause I didn't wanna get out of bed today.I sat up on my bed,grabbed my phone,and turned off the alarm.Then I checked the time and saw that it was 8:05 am."I have 55 minutes to get ready for school.Thats normal.I've been going to school Monday's-Thursday's from 9 am-2:55 pm since 9th grade",I said to myself (If your wondering what grade your in,then your in 11th grade).I forced myself to get out of bed and walked to my dresser,which had a decent sized mirror standing next to it.I looked at myself and sighed.Man I have really messy hair!

-Le Timeskip after Reader-Chan gets ready cause I don't wanna start boring you guys-

After I got dressed,I looked at myself in the mirror.I was wearing a f/c shirt/sweater/hoodie and s/f/c shoes/sandals (s/f/c means second favorite color).I looked at my h/l h/c hair,which was now not so messy looking."Well y/n,you've done it again!",i said to myself,feeling a little determined.I grabbed my phone from my pocket (cause it was magically there),and checked the time."8:15? Not bad,usually it takes me forever to get dressed cause I'm so fucking lazy",I said in my mind.I put my phone back in my pocket,grabbed my backpack,put it on,and went out of my room,going downstairs to the kitchen.

"Y/n! Breakfast is ready!",my mom said.I sat on those booth thingys that we're in front of the counter and waited for the food.A few seconds later,my mom puts a plate of food in front of me on the counter."Enjoy!",she said.I smiled,saying thank you.Suddenly,I realized something."Mom,where's dad?",I asked her.She told me that dad had to go to work early.I nodded and mom walked away.I looked at the food on my plate,which contained 3 strips of bacon,pancakes,and hashbrowns.I started eating my food,enjoying every bit of it because I love my mom's cooking.After what seemed like 10 minutes,I had already finished.What? I was hungry.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket again and checked the time."8:25 am.Wow,i have 35 minutes until school starts,so I have plenty of time to do anything else I need to do",I said in my head.I put my phone back in my pocket and got off the seat,then went upstairs.

-Here Come's Another Timeskip


My mom had driven me to school and dropped me off at the front."Bye y/n! I'll see you later!",my mom told me before driving away.I looked around for my friends:Ink,Epic,and Fresh."Hey dudette! Turn around!",I heard a familiar voice say.I of course obeyed the voice and turned around seeing Ink,Epic,and Fresh."Mornin guys",I said."Morning bruh",Epic said,waving at me.You know what's cool? My friends are also juniors in highschool,so we'll all graduate together."Hey ink,do you know what time it is?",i asked him.Ink nodded and said:"It's 8:45 am".I nodded and thanked him.

Ink!Sans Pov

I have a deep dark secret that nobody but me,Epic,Fresh,Error,and Nightmare know about:I have a crush on y/n.Thing is,I have competition,and my Enemies are Nightmare and his glitchy sidekick,Error.Weird thing is,they're both obsessed with her.They're also really possessive of her to."I think we should go inside",i said to the others.They nodded and we all walked inside the school.Suddenly,we heard a voice that's way too familiar."Idiot's! Look over! And babe,you look over here as well".Ugh,it's nightmare.

Epic!Sans Pov

We all looked at him."For the last time nightmare:Don't.Call.Me.Babe,which goes for Error as well",y/n said.By the way bruh's,Nightmare and Error are a year above us,so they're 12th graders,aka seniors."Awww y/n don't treat me like that~",Nightmare said,walking over to her.Before he could touch her,Fresh grabbed his hand and said:"That's an uncool idea that you we're about to do my dude".He let's go of his hand."Yeah bruh,listen to him",i said."By the way bruh,where's Error?",i asked nightmare.

"Ꭵ'ო ᏒᎥg♅Ϯ ცꂅ♅ᎥภᎠ ᎩԾu ꂅ-ꂅᎵᎥ꒝",I heard Error say.I squeaked like a mouse and turned around."♅ᕱ! ᎩԾuᏒ ꊰu꒝КᎥภg ᎵᕱϮ♅ꂅϮᎥ꒝!",he said,chuckling afterwards.I growled,but the girl bru-I mean y/n said:"Guys you can leave,I'll take care of this".I said:"Are you sure bruh?".She responded,saying:"Yes Epic I'll be fine.I'll meet you and the other two in 1st period,ok?".I nodded and looked at my two main manly bruh's,Ink and Fresh."Let's go bruh's!",I said.I walked away,with Ink and Fresh following me.

Your Pov

I was determined to deal with these guys,which I've been doing since last year."♅uภ,Ꮃꂅ gԾϮϮᕱ Ϯꂅլլ ᎩԾu ᏕԾოꂅϮ♅Ꭵภg",Error said.I said:"what is it?".Nightmare responded by saying:"Ink love's you as well".I mentally gasped."He does?! For real?!",i asked him.Nightmare nodded and said:"Yes,and if you even so much as ask him to hang out with you,he's dead.Got it?".I growled."None of you guys get to decide who I can and can't hang out with!",I yelled.I flipped them both off and walked away.

Error!Sans Pov

"Ϯ-Ϯ-Ϯ♅ᕱϮ ꒝ԾuլᎠ'Ꮙꂅ gԾภꂅ ᏕԾოꂅᎳ♅ᕱϮ ცꂅϮϮꂅᏒ",I said.Nightmare nodded."Should we give her a warning?",he asked me.I said:"ᎩꂅᏕ,Ϯ♅ᕱϮ'Ꮥ ᕱ gᏒꂅᕱϮ ᎥᎠꂅᕱ ภᎥg♅ϮოᕱᏒꂅ,ᕱภᎠ Ꭵ КภԾᎳ ϳuᏕϮ Ꮃ♅Ծ ϮԾ ᕱϮϮᕱ꒝К~".He asked me who we'd be attacking,and I said:"ꂅᎵᎥ꒝".Nightmare smirked,which grew slightly bigger."During lunch is when we attack",nightmare said".

-Timeskip To Lunch-

Your Pov

I was in the hallway,which was empty cause everyone was at lunch.I was going towards my locker when I suddenly screamed.Why? Cause I saw Epic bruised and slightly covered in blood.He was passed out and laying next to the lockers.I then noticed a piece of paper on Epic's forehead.I saw that it was a note and bent down,then grabbed it,stood up straight,and read it.

"Dear y/n,we have beaten up Epic,as a warning.A warning meaning that we are really serious about you hanging out with Ink,and that you shouldn't disrespect us,cause if you do,then......well you don't wanna know what happen's next"

Love,Your Boyfriends.

I ripped up the note and threw the pieces of paper on the ground.I looked at Epic and picked him up,then took him to the nurses office.

Third Person's Pov

Elsewhere in the school,Error and Nightmare we're in the janitors closet,talking to eachother."Ꭹ/ภ ᎥᏕ ԾuᏒ'Ꮥ,ᕱภᎠ ԾภլᎩ ԾuᏒ'Ꮥ~"

"Yeah~ Y/n doesn't have a choice~"

Suddenly,Error and Nightmare spoke at the same time."Ꭵꊰ ᕱլլ ꂅլᏕꂅ ꊰᕱᎥլ'Ꮥ,Ϯ♅ꂅภ Ꮃꂅ'լլ ♅ᕱᏉꂅ ϮԾ ᎠԾ ᎥϮ Ϯ♅ꂅ ♅ᕱᏒᎠ ᎳᕱᎩ~/If all else fail's,then we'll have to do it the hard way~"

Error and Nightmare then laughed like patients at a insane asylum.

A/n:aaaaaaand there we go!

Wonder:longest oneshot author has ever written in a long time


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