Yandere!CrossChara x Reader

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Ok so I counted the oneshots I still have to do,and I have 9 in total,but I decided to cancel doing 2 of them,so now I only have to do 7 out of 9 of them.This is one of them.

By the way,if you don't like how i'm writing about the x-event,then you can fuck off.

Btw the reader will be female in this and she'll be the same age as Cc (aka cross!chara)

Hope you enjoy!


Current event going on:X-Event

[In the original au:Undertale]

The surface

Your pov

It was a sunny day.There we're very little clouds in the sky,the temperature was 85 degrees Fahrenheit,and everyone was having a good time by either swimming in the pool,having water balloon fights,going to the beach,etc.I however,was having a barbecue with my friends.Toriel was sitting on the picnic blanket,asgore was making the food,undyne,alphys,papyrus,and sans we're playing volleyball,and frisk and I we're cheering our sides on.

"I bet Undyne's team is gonna win!",frisk said."No,papyrus's team is gonna win!",i said.Frisk giggled and rolled her eyes."Let's make a bet y/n:If my side wins,you owe me $5.If your side wins,I owe you $5".I nodded and said:"I agree".Me and frisk then continued to cheer for our side.


[In Underfell]

The underground

CrossChara's pov

"Come on Cc,let's leave before we get caught by someone in this au.I need the au codes after all,starting with this one",cross said.I nodded,but before I could say anything,I heard a growl coming from behind us.Me and him slowly looked behind us and saw underfell!sans,aka fell."You've messed with the wrong guy you little shits!",Fell said,summoning bones from the ground.Cross looked at me."Cc,we need to evacuate,quickly-"

"Oh your not going anywhere!",Fell shouted as he charged at cross.Cross dodged the attack and teleported behind fell.He tried slashing fell in the back,but fell turned around and kicked cross to a nearby tree.Cross groaned in pain and got up,then teleported to me."Distract fell while I make a portal",he said.I nodded and started distracting Fell.

Cross!Sans pov

Once Fell was distracted,I took the opportunity to make a portal to one of the safest places I could think of:Undertale."Cc! run over here,now!",I yelled.

CrossChara's pov

"Cc! run over here,now!",cross yelled.I nodded,punched fell in the face,and ran towards the portal,stopping when I was a few feet in front of it."You go first kid",cross said.I did what he said and jumped through the portal,with cross following me.

Fell!Sans pov

Once the portal closed,I sweared under my breath."Dammit,they got away......i'm gonna have to tell Ink the bad news",I said to myself.

[In the original au:Undertale]

The surface

CrossChara's pov

We ended up in the original au,Undertale.I looked around me,and it seems like we ended up in a field of some sort."Huh,I'm guessing that this au is in a pacifist route right now".I said:"Yeah your right,just look:No trouble in sight".Suddenly,I saw some people in the distance.I pointed it out to cross and he looked at them.He panicked and grabbed me,hiding us both behind a bush."We can't be seen Cc".I asked why."We.....just can't right now".I rolled my eyes and looked back at those people,noticing the original au characters,until I spotted someone.....unique.Someone different from the rest.She had h/l h/c hair,e/c eyes,s/t skin,was short/tall,and looked to be around my age.She was wearing a f/c shirt/dress/sweater,s/f/c pants/skirt,and t/f/c shoes (s/f/c means second favorite color,and t/f/c means third favorite color).

Your pov

A voice in my head suddenly told me that someone was stalking us.But,that cant be possible.Whats so interesting about us? I sighed and decided to ignore the voice,hoping that if someone WAS watching us,that they'd go away soon.

「A Few Hours Later」

CrossChara's pov

Everyone was back home.It was night time and I was stalking the girl from earlier through the living room window while Cross decided to abandon me here to go do something else.She was in the living room,all by herself.

I just wanna play with her hair......

I just wanna cuddle her all night.......

I just wanna hold her in my arms 24/7.....

I just wanna explore her tiny little body......

But those idiots are in the way!

Looks like i'll have to get of them so I can have y/n all to myself~ (Me:how do you-

Cc:stfu the readers don't want you interrupting

Me:what the.......Don't break the 4th wall!

Cc:ok ;-; )

I evilly grinned and broke through the window,quickly running to hide behind a bookshelf.

Your pov

Someone broke in,but he/she/they ran too fast for me to see who it truly was.That was all a blur.I got up,scared and anxious."H-Hello? I-Is there anyone there?",i said.No response.I sighed and walked to the dining area.I then heard footsteps behind me,increasing speed.I was paralyzed in fear,so I couldn't move.A minute later,the figure put their hand on my mouth and another on my waist."Hey y/n~ It's me,the guy that was stalking you earlier~.We're gonna have so much fun together~!",the mysterious male voice said.How did he know my name?! And what is going on?!

CrossChara's pov

Time to get to work (╹◡╹)


Elizabeth:there,now looking at whats coming next

1)Yandere!SwapFell!Sans x Ninja

2)UT!Fem!DereDere!Frisk x Yandere!Tsundere!Reader

3)Yandere!Chara x Shy!Pacifist!Frisk x Yandere!Reader

4)Fem!Frisk x Yandere!Male!StoryShift!Chara (I decided to make Ss!Chara the yandere since the person didn't specify who should be yandere)

5)Yandere!OlderBrother!*insert version of sans here* x YoungerSister!Reader

6)Yandere!Splat x Female!Reader (splat is apparently one of fresh and pj's kids)

The ones I decided to cancel,for personal reasons,are:

1)Yandere!Tord x EW!Niks

2)Horny!Amber x Snas

That'll be all (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡

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