Author's Note

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Hello! Everyone! 😁😁
This is my first time writing. Feeling nervous. Even though English is my first language but I'm weak in it and I'm also very weak in describing things so please bear with me if I didn't describe it clearly in details or if there's any grammar mistakes. I'm not a creative person so my story will be kind of boring too. I'm sorry about that. 🙇🙇

This story plot has been swimming inside my head for months and I have been trying to ignore it, wishing it will just go away; but it's kind of stuck inside my head and didn't want to go away no matter how many times I tried to chase it away. Then I came to realise that I can't get rid of it just by ignoring it so the only way to get it off my head is to write it down. ✏✏

Here I am!! On my mission of writing the story plot that has been invading my brain for months.

I like all 6 moons but there are 2 of them that I like the most and they will be my main characters in this story. [Make a guess of who they are.]

Hope you'll enjoy my story. Feel free to let me know if there's any improvements I need to make. 😊😊

PS: All the characters, videos and photos don't belong to me, they belong to their original owners.

The Ugly Duckling [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now