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Beam's POV

"Thank you, Beam, for accompanying me."

"It's my pleasure, P'Gemma."

"Let's grab some lunch before we go back."

"Ok! I know there's a nice Chinese cuisine restaurant nearby. Want to go and try?"


This morning, P'Gemma called me out of the blue and asked me whether I'm free to accompany her to do some shopping.

"Oh, yeah! Before I forget, Beam, this is for you." She passes me a Doraemon keychain with a key on it.

"For me??"

What is this key for? Why she gives it to me?

"Yeah. It's my house key."

"Your house key?! But why you give it to me?"

"Just take it. Trust me. You will need it one day."


"Oh! It's ok if you don't want it. I guess I can ask around in school and see who wants it, but I bet the girls might fight over it. Hmmm... Maybe I should set up a boxing ring for them to fight and the winner will have this key."

Erm... I can hear black crows flying on top of my head. I like P'Gemma but sometimes, I can't catch up with her train of thoughts. I totally have no ideas where all these thoughts came from.

I surrender, "Ok! Ok! I will take it."

She is grinning from ear to ear after I gave in to her request and take the key.

This is P'Gemma's house key and Forth is staying with her. What is her real intention of giving me this key...? I'm wondering what she is up to...


Pha's POV

Kit has been avoiding me for five days. Am I making a wrong choice of confessing to him without dropping any hints? But I have no time to waste. Next week I'll be going for my internship and I won't be seeing him much.

*Start of Flashback*

I drove Beam and Kit home after drinking at the pub. Beam was a bit drunk, so we dropped Beam at his dorm and made sure he was safe before we went off.

I had been preparing myself for my confession since I had sorted out my feelings and I was waiting for a perfect time when we were alone and now is the time.

When we were standing at his door, I stopped him from going in.

"Kit, I have something to tell you."

"P'Pha, what you want to tell me?"

I took a deep breath, "Kit, I like you."

"Huh!! P'Pha, what did you say just now? Are...are you joking? Ha..ha.. It's not funny at all." A disbelieving look shown on his face.

"Kit, I'm not joking. I know you don't believe but I must tell you, I'm serious about you. I feel comfortable being with you. I don't need to hide my true self when I was with you because I know you won't look down on me and you will accept who I really was. I like being with you. I want to be with you."

I planted a light kiss on his lips, "Kit, I like you."

His face turned red like a tomato, but I didn't expect his next move was to rush into his room and slammed the door on my face.

*End of Flashback*

Argh... What should I do now?

Ring~ Ring~ Ring~

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