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Ming's POV

I've been stalking Yo for more than two weeks. During these two weeks of stalking, I found out more about him, his changes and things which I didn't know in the past.

I found out that he likes sunflowers, whenever he has time, he'll go to the art gallery to stare at the drawing of sunflowers.

He is so different and cheerful now. He will pout, he will talk back, and he will even smack Suthee when he started to talk nonsense.

I must say, he has changed a lot in a good way, but I can't help feeling lonely. The Yo in the past had no friends, he had only me as his friend, but now, he has plenty of friends and fans.

It seems like he doesn't need me anymore. The distance between us is like an ocean between two countries. How I wish I can turn back time to the past where he was still in his baggy clothes and glasses, where he belonged to me completely.

Mingkwan, stop thinking about the past! Stop crying over the spilled milk! Think about the future! Think about what you can do to salvage the situation like this, what you can do to salvage the relationship between you and Yo. Think about what you can do to win Yo's forgiveness and most importantly, his heart. If you think there is a distance between both of you, then find ways to close it.

But how to close it? And will he still love me after what happened? Will he forgive me? What if...what if he falls in love with someone else? For example, one of the trio. They are so close to him. What if he has feelings for one of them? What should I do?

What if! What if! Why is there so many 'what if'? What if he's still in love with you? What if he's still waiting for you to come to him like always? Mingkwan, you need to be brave. If you continue to be a coward, you will definitely lose him. If you don't want to lose him, you need to start taking action now instead of whining like a girl. Be brave, Man.

Wait a minute... Am I going crazy? Why are there two voices arguing inside my head?

Stop touching his hair!!

I'm yelling in silent. Where am I? Stalking Yo, of course. Stalking him is now in my daily to-do list.

He is now with that girl, Nate at the small garden in his faculty, they are talking. I'm standing too far from them, so I can't hear what they're talking about.

But why is he here with her in the first place? Are they dating? No... It can't be.. Please don't let it be....

I put my two palms together as I am praying. I know people who walk pass will think that I'm crazy, but I don't care. I rather be crazy than to lose him. Please don't let me lose him.

Girl, stop touching his hair! I don't care whether you are one of Yo's protectors, you must stop touching him like that. What?! How can you touch my Yo's face? I don't even have the chance to touch it.

Yo..., you must not let her or anyone else touch you.

I take out my phone and dial Kit's number.

"What's up, buddy?"

"Kit, I think I have a rival."

"Oh! You just realised it now?! And I don't think you have only one rival. I'm sure there are lots of people who will be fighting you for Wayo."

"I know but this one is the one I'm more concerned about. I believe that girl, Nate has feelings for Yo and he is too close to her. Kit, what if Yo has feelings for her too? Does that mean I'll lose him?"

"Then you should start taking action now instead of whining like a girl if you don't want to lose him. Talk to you later. I'm busy right now. Bye." He cuts off the line before I have the chance to say something.

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