Next Morning

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Wayo's POV

I don't know how long I have been staring at the ceiling. I turn my head to look at the man beside me. He is sleeping soundly.

I am exhausted, and the pain is almost unbearable. I never thought it can be this painful and I can hardly move my body.

Biting my lower lip, I slowly climb down the bed searching for my clothes. The pain in my lower body makes me difficult to walk properly.

I need to take a deep breath for every step I take.

Argh... it's painful.

But who can I blame? I am the one who asked for it.

I manage to put on the shorts and underwear for him, and I clean away all the evidences of what had happened hours ago with some struggles and difficulties because of the pain.

I make sure that I didn't left out any trace of evidences and I have also been very careful not to leave any marks on him.

I don't want him to know. I am the one who is taking advantage of him. I am the one who steals this one night from him.

He is drunk, but I am not. I can stop but I didn't. I get what I wish for, that's enough for me and I can't ask for more. I have no rights to ask for more.

"Ming, everything that happened tonight is just a dream for you. Nothing special to remember. Sleep well. Goodnight." I whisper into his ear and place a kiss on his cheek.

Ming, I love you.


Ming's POV

ring~ ring~ ring~

Woke up by the ringing sound of my phone, I open my eyes and there is a sharp pain in my head.

Argh.... my head hurts...

"Hello." I answered with a husky voice.


"Shit! Kit, can you please don't shout? My ear is going to burst and my head is going to explode."

"Serve you right. Who ask you to drink so much? Better get ready now."


"See you in school."

"See you." I hang up the call, put my phone aside and start stretching my body.

I look around my room. Nothing out of place but why I have a strange feeling like something should be there? Weird...

How did I get home last night?

I remember I was drinking with Kit them all last night. I remember I drank a lot. But I don't remember how I get home. Maybe they sent me home last night after I was drunk.

Did anything happen last night? Why I have the feeling that something had happened last night?

Argh... there is no time for me to think of that now. I need to prepare myself for school.

I take a shower and dress up in a fast speed. I almost dash out of the house, and then I remember about Yo.

I realise that I haven't heard Yo's voice this morning. Yo will greet me every time he sees me, and he didn't wake me up this morning.

Usually, Yo will wake me up if I didn't wake up at my usual time. But why didn't Yo wake me up this morning?

With a puzzled look, I turn away from the main door and head towards Yo's room. This is when I see a note sticking on the door.

To P'Ming,

My class for today has been cancelled due to the performance preparations. I will be at home preparing for my upcoming performance and I will be waking up late too. Sorry that you need to prepare your own breakfast. Drive safely. Have a nice day in school.

From Yo

Ok. This explained why Yo didn't wake me up this morning.


Wayo's POV

I lie down on my bed, paying attention on what's going on outside. I sigh with relief when I heard the closing sound of the main door. I have been praying hard that Ming has no recollection of last night.

What will he think of me if he knows I took advantage of him when he was drunk?

Worse, if he remembers, I believe he will feel disgusted. I am a boy and I can't imagine what will happen if he finds out that he had sex with a boy.

Like I say, one night will be enough for me. I am satisfied with what I have now and have no regrets.

I guess this is what people always said. Love is blind.

When you love someone so deeply, you will willingly do anything for them with no regrets.

Last night is a dream for him to forget but a memory for me to remember. I will hold this memory deep inside my heart...with my life...

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