New Friends

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Wayo's POV

Today is the third day of the second week. Last night, P'Gemma announced that there will be guests coming for dinner tonight. She told me that I should know them since they are in the same faculty as me.

I don't even know the names of my classmates. I didn't pay much attention to people around me other than Ming and his friends.

I have been staying here for more than one week. During my stay here, I learned quite a lot of things from P'Gemma. At the same time, I realised how unhealthy lifestyle I had in the past.

P'Gemma taught me that love is important but it's not the only thing in life. We must not give up life for love. We must have love but at the same time, we must have a life too.

In the past, my love is Ming and my life is also him. I don't have a life of my own. I spent most of my time in the past waiting for him and doing nothing else, waiting for him to come back, waiting for him to accompany me.

At that time, I didn't realise or care how much time I had wasted because the only thing I care is him and my whole world is about him. But after learning from P'Gemma, I realised that there are lots of things in my life that I can do.

"Baby Yo, the guests are here." P'Gemma announces and there are two boys one girl standing behind her.

I recognise them, I don't know their names, but I have seen them before. All three of them always stick together in school.

"Baby Yo, they are the siblings of my friends. Guys, introduce yourselves."

"Hi! I am Nate. I don't know whether you remember me, but I am in the same class with you." The only girl in the trio said.

She is a petite girl with mid-back length curly black hair.

"Wow! You really look different, very different. Hi! I am Suthee. I am your classmate too although we never talk to each other before, but I believe we will be best friend in future." The boy with a cheerful smile said.

Wow! He's very friendly.

"I am Park. I am a first-year Art student." The last one in the trio said with a polite smile.

He seems like a man of few words. So, they are the siblings of P'Gemma's friends.

"Hi! I am Wayo." Although they already know who I am, but I still need to introduce myself.

The dinner is fun and enjoyable. We talk and joke about everything. The one who does the most talking is Suthee. He has a very cheerful personality and I seem to be influenced by him.

Nate is a very sweet and thoughtful girl, but She can be very fierce too. She is like Suthee's mother. Whenever Suthee's jokes went too far, she will smack him and reprimand him.

Park doesn't talk much but he is an attentive audience. You can see that he pays attention to what we are talking about.

I enjoy being in their company. They are friendly, and they don't seem like someone who will look down on you. I believe they had already heard about my rumours, but I didn't see any disdain in their attitude towards me.


Ever since the dinner, the trio has been dropping by P'Gemma's house so often that I lose count. They even join me for the self-defence training with P'Forth but only Suthee and Nate will join me in the dancing session with P'Gemma.

Sometimes they will come and drag me out with them to go shopping or watch a movie. And soon the trio become foursome.

This is the first time that I have my own friends. As for P'Gemma and P'Forth, they not only are my friends, they are my saviour, my teacher too.

Comparing to the one I was in the past, I am a different person now. I have a new appearance, I have my own friends and the way I view things has been different.

In the past, I was living in my own world, but now I am stepping out from my own world, stepping out from my comfort zone.

And P'Gemma also taught me that if someone bullies me, I can't stay quiet and let them get what they want, I need to fight back. How to fight back? Haha... I guess this is one of the topics I'm still trying to figure out.

As for Ming, I will still think about him when I was alone. I miss him. I never been away from him for so long since young. Even though I am a different person now, but inside my heart, he is still there.

Am I angry with him? Yes, of course, I am angry with him but my love to him is greater than my anger.

Taking out my old phone from the drawer, it's still in its 'off' mode. I have not been using this phone since I left the house.

Why? I don't know, maybe I'm scared. Scared to hear the rejection from him. Scared to hear him telling me that I'm just a little brother to him. Even though deep inside my heart, I know what kind of answer he will give me, but I....I am not prepared to hear it from him now.

Five more days.... The school break will end in five days...

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