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Wayo's POV

Luckily for me that I didn't leave the keys behind when I left the house. If not, I can't come in without waking him up.

Last night, I asked P'Forth for a favour, to send me here before sunrise. I feel guilty for making P'Forth to wake up early this morning just to drive me here, but I need to be here before he wakes up. It's my surprise for him and because of this surprise, I had been giving him cold shoulder these few days.

I almost gave in when he showed me his wounded puppy looks but I couldn't. If not, the element of surprise will be gone. Hehe.... I think I have spent too much time with P'Gemma, and she has been teaching me some tricks now and then.

Oh! I also need to thank Park for his help. He helped to execute my plan when I told him about it and he was the only one willing to help me. Nate was not really in her best mood and I could understand why. And Suthee, he didn't leave Nate's side at all.

P'Gemma was right. He really need some courage to go after what he wants. Looking at him is just like looking at myself in the past. P'Gemma told me that the trio knew each other for years because their older siblings are best friends since high school.

Hope Suthee can find his courage before it's too late. Ok! Back to the main topic. In order to make Ming confused and jealous, I not only gave him cold shoulder, I acted intimately with Park.

Hahaha... Ming must be very perplexed right now. Hehe... Can't wait to see his reaction when he sees me.

First thing I need to do now is to carry my luggage and bag into my room without making any noise which is hard. You know, the creaking sound of the door if you are not careful.

I blow out a deep breath after I managed to complete my first mission successfully. Now, I need to move on to my second mission, that is cooking breakfast.

I tip toe into the kitchen, opening the fridge as quiet as I can to see what's inside the fridge.

Hmmm... what should I cook? I can't make too much noise so.... I guess I will cook chicken porridge. I peek outside the kitchen making sure he hasn't wake up yet.

Finally! The porridge is ready.


At the sound of door creaking, I can't help but grin.

It's Showtime!!

I scoop the porridge into a big bowl and carry it out like what I always did in the past.

I avoid looking at his direction when I come out from the kitchen until I placed the bowl on the table, then I turn to him.

"Good morning! P'Ming, breakfast is ready. Come and have some." I greet him with a sweet smile like what I always did in the past, then I return to the kitchen.

The minute I am inside the kitchen, I cover my mouth with one hand and hug my stomach with another to stop myself from laughing out loud.

Hahaha... He...he stood there with mouth open so wide that enough to put in a tennis ball and his eyes... look like they are going to jump out from their sockets and roll on the ground like what we saw in the cartoon 'Tom and Jerry'... Hahaha...

Suddenly, a pair of hands wraps around my waist, and my back touches a hard, warm, muscular chest. He whispered, "Is that fun to prank me like this?"

I turn my head around to look at him, "Yes, very. Hahahaha..."

"Dare to laugh at me! I guess you need to have some punishments." He bites my neck after saying this.


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