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Wayo's POV

We are drifting away from each other. I can feel the gap between us is getting wider and wider. Ming has been distancing himself from me since that night he came to my room to question me even though there are no changes in our daily routine.

We still spend our day together as usual, but there are some changes in his behaviour. He did not ruffle my hair like he usually does, and he will try to sit far away from me. I think it's my turn now to be the one who is clueless of what's happening here.

Everything turns out differently from what I think. Am I going to lose our friendship? After all these years of hiding my feelings, am I going to lose him?

*sigh* I must say I am the one who start avoiding him first. I kind of regret it now. What am I supposed to do now? What can I do to close the gap between us and let us be back to normal like what we are in the past? *sigh*

Looking at the drawing of sunflowers, I remember the first time I was here and the story of Clytie.

That's right! I am now at the art gallery in my faculty, looking at the drawing of my favourite flowers while waiting for Ming to come and fetch me home.

Like the first time I was here, there is a few students around, maybe 8 or 9 include me.

I stare at the drawing, not sure for how long, until I feel that there is someone standing behind me. I turn, and I am surprised to see the person who is standing behind me.

She is not from my faculty and she doesn't look like people who will appreciate arts. Then why is she here? Is she here looking for me? But how does she know I am here? Tons of questions spinning inside my head.


As a junior, I must greet her first, despite how much she dislikes me. To be honest, I am not very fond of her too, but I can understand why she said those words to me.

She is in love with Ming like the way I do, so it's normal for her to get jealous. I get jealous too, every time Ming goes out on his 'hunting night' or Ming being too nice to some girls. The only difference is she has the chance to show her jealousy in public, but I don't.

"Nong, I have some questions to ask you." She asked.

"What questions, P?"

"Are you in love with Ming?"

"Sorry, P, I don't know what you are talking about. Ming is my best friend." I denied.

"Don't try to lie to me. I know you like Ming. You thought you have hidden it so well but anyone with the intention to take a closer look, will see it. I am not here to pick up a fight with you. I just want to clear up things with you."

"......" Should I tell her the truth? But what if she told Ming about our conversations?

"Don't worry, Nong. I will not tell Ming or anyone about our conversations. What we say in here, stay here. Are you in love with Ming?" How does she know what I am thinking about?

"..... Yes, I am in love with Ming." I acknowledged my feelings after some mental struggles.

"But you are a boy, Nong. Have you ever thought that Ming will have a serious relationship and get married one day? What will you do if that happens?"

"If that happens one day, I will give him my blessing, I will not hinder his happiness." I said with a smile, trying to put up a brave front although my heart is bleeding.

"What if Ming's other half is me? Will you give me your blessing too despite of that previous incident? Will you hurt me or hate me because of those bad things I had said to you?"

"I will give you my blessing too. Don't worry. I will not hurt you or hate you because of that incident. I can understand why you said those things to me. You are just being jealous. I don't blame you. All I want is Ming's happiness. To me, nothing is more important than his happiness."

"Aww... N'Wayo, you are so kind. Thank you for not hating me." She smiles at me sweetly.

"You're welcome, P. And P, you had promised that you won't tell anyone about our conversations, right?"

"That's right. Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. Oh! It's getting late now, I have something on later. Nong, I got to run. See you again, Nong."

"Ok. Goodbye, P."

I watch her exiting the gallery.

Maybe she is not as bad as what I thought.


Moowan's POV

After coming out from the gallery, I dig out my phone from my jacket's pocket and stop the voice recording.

Haha... Dear N'Wayo, you can't blame me for lying to you. You can only blame yourself for being stupid. What a joke, by the way! Who cares about your blessing? I just want you to disappear and get out of Ming's life forever. You look so innocent and I really hate to hurt you, but too bad, who ask you to get in my way.

I always get what I want, and Ming will not be exceptional. I will eliminate whoever gets in my way. It's time to put my plan in force.

I dial a number and wait for the person from the other side to pick up the call.

*Call Connected*

"Hello~ P, you said you will help me, right~?"


"Ok. See you later~ muack."

I put my phone back into my pocket and walk away with a self-satisfied smile on my face.

Ming will be mine and mine only....


Yo gets cheated by that bad woman. Yo is so trusting and that woman takes advantage of him. Feel sad for Yo.. 😢😢

Any ideas on how to punish that woman? 😈😈

Bury her?? 😞😞 too simple.
Deep fry her?? 😒😒 waste of oil.
😂😂 Just for a laugh.

Thank you for all the votes, all the comments and all the time spent reading my story. 🙇🙇

Hope you will enjoy my story. Any comments are welcome. Thank you. 😄😄

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